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07/ 2023 Journal Quark - Toxicology of 21st  Century  

  • Spracovala: Mgr. Lucia Kralovičová, redaktorka časopisu Quark

  • Foto: various sources

  • 01. 07. 2023 

Toxikologia 21. storocia .png

2023: A collection of interviews with Slovak scientists "Ako chuti Tarantula" 

In these days, the book "Ako chuti Tarantula" by Zuzana Vitková is being released by the publishing house Martinus.

Among the 25 interviews that have been published, there is also an interview that we conducted together about two years ago for Dennik N. I am delighted that the author herself has chosen it for her book.


2022: Regulatory uptake of NAMs hampered by validation funding shortage

  • Spracoval: ANDREW TURLEY, Science editor, Chemical Watch

  • 22 September 2022

Chemical Watch .jpg


  • Spracoval: Martin Podstupka

  • Foto: Katarína Gáliková

  • 4. 10. 2022 

Kandarova Prnova Toxikology in vitro

2022: H. Kanďárová zo SAV bola ocenená za prínos v oblasti toxikológie

  • TASR

  • 26. September 2022

Teraz SK Ocenenie Kandarova.png

2021: Testovanie na zvieratách je out, nové metódy sú lepšie aj pre ľudí

Kandarova, toxicology in vitro

2021: Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation Award 
for outstanding achievements in the field of alternatives to animal testing

Helena Kandarova Doerenkamp-Zbinden Award 2021.jpg

2020: Interview for 
Journal TEMA: Fifth Element from Slovak Laboratories 

with Richard Filipko 

ront Page Kandarova.jpeg
Helena Kandarova TEMA.jpeg
Kandarova TEMA.jpg

2020: CVTI

Scientists, the super-heroes of today 

Collection of the 2020 interviews with Slovak scientists

Vedci Kandarova

2020: Interview for Dennik N on alternative methods in toxicology: Artificial skin can replace millions of experimental animals and reduces suffering. 

with Zuzana Vitková

Dennik N Kandarova

2020 - Interview

Pes ani Mačka nie je žiadna hračka (Dogs and cats are no toys) 

with Denisa Koleničová

Kandarova Veda na Dosah .png

2020: Toxicologist from SAS has become the chairperson of the European Society of Toxicology in Vitro ESTIV

Kandarova Chairperson of ESTIV.jpg
Kandarova short profile

Lush Prize Shortlisted and Commended in Category Lobbying in 2020  

Lush Prize 2020  Kandarova
Luch Prize Veda na dosah.jpg
FU Berlin Helena Kandarova In Vitro Toxicology

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