Research projects involvement and funding sources
3Rs concepts to improve the quality of biomedical science
Program: COST - CA21139
Project start:1.9.2022
European Network for Skin Engineering and Modeling
Program: COST - CA21108
Project start:1.8.2022
H2020: ONTOX - Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals
for next-generation risk assessment (NGRA)
Contract: 963545
Funding organisation: EU
Main contractor: VUB, Brussel
Period:01.05.2021 - 01.05.2026
Overall funding: 17 Mio Euro
Role: Work package leader, Deputy Coordinator (Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation)
APVV: In vitro biocompatibility testing of medical devices (MDs) and new generation bio-materials for MDs
Contract: APVV-19-0591
Funding organisation: APVV
Main Contractor: UEFT CEM, SAS
Period:1.7.2020 - 30.06.2024
Role: Main Investigator
APVV: TraiN-SafeMDs - Training Network for improving of the safety of medical devices - focus on the oral cavity
Contract: DS-FR-2019-0048
Funding organisation: APVV
Main Contractor: UEFT CEM, SAS
Period:1.3.2020 - 31.12.2021
Role: Main Investigator
VEGA: Bio-compatibility assessment of medical devices and novel medical device materials using in vitro methods based on 3D reconstructed human tissue models.
Funding organisation: Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Main Contractor: UEFT CEM, SAS
Period: 2020 - 2023
Role: Main Investigator
International competitiveness of NIPH in research, development and education in alternative toxicological methods
Organisation: MŠMT ÄŒR
Period: 2018 - 2023
Main Contractor: National Institute of Public Health, Prague / Státní zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Praze
Overal Amount: 137,415 thou. CZK / 5.mio Euro
Role: Collaborator
The aim of the project is: • Enhancement of the research potential and international excellence of the research centre in the development of new technologies and validation of toxicological procedures in vitro using cell and organ cultures derived from tissues of human origin, replacing animal experiments. • Completion and modernization of the infrastructure of the research center. • Invigoration of the research team by young local and experienced foreign researchers. • Enhancement of international dimension and intensive scientific collaboration aiming to spread knowledge across borders within the EU network of reference laboratories for validation of alternative methods (EU-NETVAL, JRC) and to strengthen the international dimension and intensive scientific collaboration. • Verification of effective project management and the applicant's financial, professional, personal, administrative, technical and material preparedness. The results will be disseminated to the public in the form of education, publication or transfer of knowledge.
H2020 : Logic LAB
Organization: EU - H2020 Grant Scheme.
Grant type: Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813920.
Received: 2018
Overall Grant Amount: 3 538 684 €
Role: One of the 6 Partners - representative of MatTek IVLSL until 31.12.2018
(left the project due to the change of workplace from MatTek to CEM SAS, that is one of the beneficiaries in the project )
LOGIC LAB provides a multi-disciplinary research network, in which 9 Beneficiaries closely work together with 6 Partners to overcome current obstacles in intracellular diagnostics. LOGIC LAB aims to develop a new concept of molecular logic sensors that will pave the way for their application in biological matrices. LOGIC LAB uniquely combines academic and industrial expertise in synthesis and optical spectroscopy, molecular modelling, organ-on-a-chip microfluidic systems, metabolic profiling, endothelium-related diseases and toxicology.
LNE grant scheme - ALT4EI - Alternative for Eye Irritation
Organization: Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Period: 2017-2018
Overall Grant Amount: € 100.000
Main Contractor: VITO, Belgium
Role: Partner and Primary Investigator for the EpiOcular System
The CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI project (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy; 2015-2016) assessed the reliability of 7 in vitro test methods and computational models as well as established tiered-testing strategies.
The LNE-sponsored ALT4EI project (ALTernatives for Eye Irritation; 2017) aimed into strengthening the data sets and generating more information for the submission of the BCOP-LLBO and EpiOcular ET-50 methods to the OECD for a test guideline development.
LRI-AIMT6: CON4EI - Eye irritation testing in vitro in practice – Database and testing strategy.
Organisation: CEFIC
Period: 2015-2016
Overall Grant Amount: € 500.000
Main Contractor: VITO, Belgium
Role: Partner and Primary Investigator for the EpiOcular test system (2 different EpiOcular assays)
This project was looking into an establishment of a substantial data base of in vitro eye irritation/severe eye irritation tests for chemicals with reliable, existing in vivo data.
The project’s objectives were to:
1. define applicability domain and strengths & limitations of the different in vitro systems included (in support of preparation of new OECD Guidelines or revision of existing OECD Guidelines),
2. help to assess the reliability of the different in vitro eye irritation tests, e.g. with depending on different chemical classes, where applicable,
3. provide a first proposal for tiered testing strategies which would enable the industry to establish reliable in vitro test batteries for eye irritation assessment, specific to given chemical classes if appropriate, to ensure adequate classification & labelling, to improve eye irritation assessment based on in vitro data for C&L and e.g. REACH.
Test systems investigated were BCOP, ICE, SMI, HCE and EpiOcular test.
The ECVAM International Validation Study on In Vitro Tests for Acute Skin Irritation
Contracts 21323-2003-10 F1ED ISP DE
Organisation: JRC - European Centre for Validation and Evaluation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)
Period: 2003-2007
Main Contractor: ZEBET at the BfR, Germany
Role: Junior Research staff in the ECVAM project responsible for the Development of the EpiDerm Skin irritation protocol (part of my PhD project) and its experimental validation,
The goal of the validation study was to assess whether two in vitro skin irritation tests using reconstructed human epidermis (EpiDerm and EPISKIN) would correctly predict in vivo classifications according to the EU classification scheme, “R38“ and “no label“ (i.e. non-irritant).
Following independent peer review of the data obtained in the ECVAM validation project and follow-up studies performed after the completion of the main study with EpiDerm, the ECVAM Scientific Advisory Committee endorsed the scientific validity of the EPISKIN and EpiDerm test as a full replacement for the rabbit skin irritation method. These methods were implemented into the EU and OECD regulatory framework as the OECD TG 439, E B46. Method.
ECVAM Photo-potency Feasibility Study
Contracts 19868-2002-09 F1ED ISP DE:
Grant of the JRC - European Centre for Validation and Evaluation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)
Period: 2002-2006
Main Contractor: ZEBET at the BfR, Germany
Role: Junior research staff responsible for the evaluation and optimization of the EpiDerm Phototoxicity test (part of my PhD project)
The goal of the feasibility study was to assess whether the reconstructed human tissue model EpiDerm can be used to address the phototoxic potency of topically applied phototoxins. Results of this very promising projects were submitted to ECVAM as an interim report and results were published in several peer-reviewed journals. The data generated in this project were very helpful to understand the strength and weakness of the 3D models to address human photo-irritation responses and helped in the implementation of the reconstructed 3D models into the ICH guideline S10 (phototoxicity) that permits the use of the 3D skin models for the testing of potential phototoxicity of topically administered pharmaceuticals. This test is very useful to avoid false-positive results from very sensitive cell-based assay described in the OECD TG 432.
The Small Business Innovation Research (US SBIR) program
Reconstructed Skin Micronucleus Genotoxicity Assay, phase 2
Organization: Department of Health and Human Services
SBIR Grant #: 2R44ES015002-02A1
Received: 09/28/09
Overall Grant Amount: $ 819,104
Role: Collaborator
In Vitro Assay to Determine Skin Corrosivity Packing Groups, Phase 1
Organization: Department of Health and Human Services
SBIR Grant #: 1R43ES017178-01
Received: 04/03/2008
Overall Grant Amount: $ 244,444
Role: Collaborator
In Vitro Human Airway Model for Regulatory Toxicity Testing
Organization: Department of Health and Human Services
SBIR Grant #: 2U44ES014312-04
Received: 2017 – lasts till 02/28/2020
Overall Grant Amount: $ 431,027
Role: Collaborator - left the project in 2018 (change of the workplace)