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Scientific Peer-reviewed Papers and Reports  - Chronologically 

  1. Halinkovič, Matej -- Mušková, Kateřina -- Sloboda, Tibor -- Lepáček, Marek -- Kanďárová, Helena -- Ries, Michal -- Šoltésová Prnová, Marta (2024). MLtox, online phototoxicity prediction webpage. Toxicology in Vitro, 94. p. 1--9.

  2. Kanďárová, Helena and Pôbiš, Peter  Peter (2023). The Big Three in Biocompatibility of Medical Devices, Testing and implementation of alternatives to animal experimentation: Are We There Yet? Frontiers in Toxicology. To be published 

  3. CALONI, Francesca - DE ANGELIS, Isabella - GRIBALDO, Laura - HEINONEN, Tuula - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - KRAL, Vivian - LETAŠIOVÁ, Silvia - SILLÉ, Fenna - SMIRNOVA, Lena - VINARDELL, Maria Pilar - HARTUNG, Thomas (2023). Women in Alternatives : meeting report. In ALTEX : Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 2023, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 545-548. (2022: 5.6 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.737 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1868-596X. Dostupné na: Typ: BDMA

  4. CALONI, Francesca - CAZZANIGA, Alessandra - GUTLEB, Arno C. - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - RANALDI, Giulia - RASHIDI, Hassan - VON AULOCK, Sonja - WILFLINGSEDER, Doris (2023). Alternative Methods in Science: Towards Fluidic Systems : meeting report. In ALTEX : Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 2023, vol. 40, no. 4, p. 694-696. (2022: 5.6 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.737 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1868-596X. Dostupné na: (Lake Como School of Advanced Studies - Fourth (Virtual) Summer School 2023 : Alternative Methods in Science: towards Fluidic System) Typ: BDMA

  5. VISKUPIČOVÁ, Jana - REZBÁRIKOVÁ, Petronela - KOVÁČIKOVÁ, Lucia - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - MÁJEKOVÁ, Magdaléna (2023). Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease: Biological efficacy and toxicity aspects. In Toxicology in vitro : the official journal of the European Society for Toxicology in Vitro, 2023, vol. 92, art. no. 105640. (2022: 3.2 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.666 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 0887-2333. Dostupné na: (ITMS2014+: 313011ATT2 : Vývoj produktov modifikáciou prírodných látok a štúdium ich multimodálnych účinkov na ochorenie COVID-19) Typ: ADCA

  6. Michael Diemar, Mathieu Vinken, Marc Teunis, Cyrille Krul, François Busquet, Julia Dominika Zajac, Helena Kandarova, Raffaella Corvi, Matteo Z. Russo, Anastasiia Kharina, Louise Bryndum, Michael Santillo, Denise Bloch, Olena Kucheryavenko, Demosthenes Panagiotakos, Vera Rogiers, Manon Beekhuijzen, Arianna Giusti, Abdulkarim Najjar, Carol Courage and 27 more. (2023) Report of the first ONTOX Stakeholder Network meeting: digging under the surface of ONTOX together with the stakeholders. ATLA 

  7. H Kandarova (2023). Organ-on-a-chip as novel tox testing tools. Encyclopedia of Toxicology, Elsevier 2023  

  8. H Kandarova (2023). New approach methods (NAMs) for multiple non-animal based test methods. Encyclopedia of Toxicology, Elsevier 2023   

  9. Markéta Dvořáková, Lada Svobodová, Marian Rucki, Václav Ševčík, Barbora Hošíková, Jan Chrz, Hana Bendová, Kristina Kejlová, Danuše Očadlíková, Marek Malý, Hana Kolářová, Marika Mannerström, Helena Kanďárová, and Dagmar Jírová (2023). The Safety Assessment of Cosmetic Perfumes by Using In Chemico and In Vitro Methods in Combination with GC-MS/MS Analysis. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. 2023;51(4):224-248. 

  10. W Neuhaus, B Reininger-Gutmann, B Rinner, R Plasenzotti, ...Kandarova et al. (2022). The current status and work of Three Rs centres and platforms in Europe. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 50 (6), 381-413

  11. Pobiš, P., Kubalcová, J., Kanďárová, H.(2022). IN VITRO BIOCOMPATIBILITY TESTING OF MEDICAL DEVICES IN VITRO: CHALLENGES OF SAMPLE PREPARATION ACCORDING TO THE ISO 10993-12. Military Medical Science Letters (Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy 91, pp. 64

  12. F Caloni, O Introzzi, A Caccianiga, L Buzanska, AC Gutleb, H Kandárova, al. (2022). Third Virtual Summer School 3Rs for ONE Science: Alternative Methods: From Complexity to Predictivity. ALTEX-Alternatives to animal experimentation 39 (4), 710-711

  13. Neuhaus, B Reininger-Gutmann, B Rinner, R Plasenzotti, ...Kandarova et al. (2022). The rise of Three Rs centres and platforms in Europe. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 50 (2), 90-120

  14. A Sonawane, B Vadloori, S Poosala, H Kandarova, M Kulkarn (2022). Advances in animal models and cutting-edge research in alternatives: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on 3Rs Research and Progress, Hyderabad, 2021. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 50 (2), 156-171

  15. Seidle, T., Kandarova, H., Hartung, T., Leist, M., Neuhaus, W., Spielmann, H. and Rovida, C. (2022) “Open letter: Selection of a new Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) provides an opportunity for the EU to lead in the field of chemicals management and implementation of innovative science”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 39(1), pp. 149-150. doi: 10.14573/altex.2110271.

  16. SINGH, Bhumika** - ABDELGAWAD, Mohamed Essameldin - ALI, Zulfiqur - BAILEY, Jarrod - BUDYN, Elisa - CIVITA, Prospero - CLIFT, Martin J.D. - CONNELLY, John T. - CONSTANT, Samuel - HITTINGER, Marius - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - KEARNS, Victoria Rosalind - KIURU, Tony - KOSTRZEWSKI, Tomasz - KRESS, Sebastian - DURBAN, Victoria Marsh - LEHR, Claus-Michael - MCMILLAN, Hayley - METZ, Julia Katharina - MONTEBAN, Vivian - MOVIA, Dania - NETO, Catia - OWEN, Carla - PAASONEN, Lauri - PALMER, Kerri Anne - PILKINGTON, Geoffrey John - PILKINGTON, Karen - PRINA-MELLO, Adriele - ROPER, Clive - SHEARD, Jonathan - SMITH, Sheree - TURNER, Janette Ellen - ROY, Ipsita - TUTTY, Melissa Anne - VELLIOU, Eirini - WILKINSON, John Malcom. Towards More Predictive, Physiological and Animal-free In Vitro Models: Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture 2020 Conference Proceedings. In Alternatives to Laboratory Animals (ATLA) : Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments, 2021, vol. 49, no. 3, p. 93-110. (2020: 1.303 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.304 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2021 - Current Contents). ISSN 0261-1929. Dostupné na: (Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture 2020 : annual conference - virtual) Type: ADCA

  17. VINKEN, Mathieu - BENFENATI, Emilio - BUSQUET, Francois - CASTELL, José - CLEVERT, Djork-Arné - DE KOK, Theo M. - DIRVEN, Hubert - FRITSCHE, Ellen - GERIS, Liesbet - GOZALBES, Rafael - HARTUNG, Thomas - JENNEN, Danyel - JOVER, Ramiro - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - KRAMER, Nynke - KRUL, Cyrille - LEUCHTEFELD, Thomas - MASEREEUW, Rosalinde - ROGGEN, Erwin - SCHALLER, Stephan - VANHAECKE, Tamara - YANG, Chihae - PIERSMA, Aldert H. Safer chemicals using less animals: kick-off of the European ONTOX project. In Toxicology, 2021, vol. 458, art. no. 152846. (2020: 4.221 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 1.067 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 0300-483X. Dostupné na: (H2020, ONTOX : Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment) Typ: ADCA

  18. JANOUŠEK, Stanislav - VLKOVÁ, Alena** - JÍROVÁ, Gabriela - KEJLOVÁ, Kristína - KRSEK, Daniel - JÍROVÁ, Dagmar - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - WITTLINGEROVÁ, Zdenka - HEINONEN, Tuula - MANNERSTROM, Marika - MALÝ, Marek. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Certain Aspects of the Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Hazard of Hospital Wastewaters by Using a Range of In Vitro Assays. In ATLA-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals : Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments, 2021, vol. 49, no. 1-2, p. 33-48. (2020: 1.303 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.304 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 0261-1929. Dostupné na: Typ: ADCA 

  19. SVOBODOVÁ, Lada** - RUCKI, Marián - VLKOVÁ, Alena - KEJLOVÁ, Kristína - JÍROVÁ, Dagmar - DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta - KOLÁŘOVÁ, Hana - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - PÔBIŠ, Peter - HEINONEN, Tuula - MALÝ, Marek. Sensitization potential of medical devices detected by in vitro and in vivo methods. In ALTEX : Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 2021 [Online ahead of print]. ISSN 1868-596X. Dostupné na: Typ: ADMA

  20. RUCKI, Marián** - KEJLOVÁ, Kristína - VLKOVÁ, Alena - JÍROVÁ, Dagmar - DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta - SVOBODOVÁ, Lada - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - LETAŠIOVÁ, Silvia - KOLÁŘOVÁ, Hana - MANNERSTROM, Marika - HEINONEN, Tuula. Evaluation of toxicity profiles of rare earth elements salts (lanthanides).  Journal of Rare Earths 39 (2021) 225 - 232  (2019: 3.104 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.646 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 1002-0721. Typ: ADMA

  21. SVOBODOVÁ, Lada** - DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta - RUCKI, Marián - KEJLOVÁ, Kristína - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - KOLÁŘOVÁ, Hana - MANNERSTROM, Marika - HEINONEN, Tuula. Safety testing of adult novelties using in vitro methods. In Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2020, vol. 117, art. no. 104780. (2019: 2.652 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 0.842 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 0273-2300. Typ: ADCA

  22. SCHMIDT, Christian - MARKUS, Ján - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - WIEST, Joachim**. Tissue-on-a-Chip: Microphysiometry with human 3D-models on transwell inserts. In Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020, vol. 8, art. no. 760. (2019: 3.644 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.908 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 2296-4185.  Typ: ADCA    

  23. KEJLOVÁ, Kristína** - BENDOVÁ, Hana - CHRZ, Jan - DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta - SVOBODOVÁ, Lada - VLKOVÁ, Alena - KUBÁČ, Lubomír - KOŘÍNKOVÁ, Radka - ČERNÝ, Jiří - OČADLÍKOVÁ, Danuše - RUCKI, Marián - HEINONEN, Tuula - JÍROVÁ, Dagmar - LETAŠIOVÁ, Silvia - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena** - KOLÁŘOVÁ, Hana. Toxicological testing of a photoactive phthalocyanine-based antimicrobial substance. In Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2020, vol. 115, art. no. 104685. (2019: 2.652 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 0.842 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 0273-2300. Typ: ADCA 

  24. LÍŠKOVÁ, Alžbeta - LETAŠIOVÁ, Silvia - JANTOVÁ, Soňa - BREZOVÁ, Vlasta - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena**. Evaluation of phototoxic and cytotoxic potential of TiO2 nanosheets in a 3D reconstructed human skin model. In ALTEX : Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 2020, vol. 37, no. 3, 441-450. (2019: 5.787 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.270 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1868-596X. Typ: ADMA

  25. PULSONI, Ilaria - MARKUS, Ján - AYEHUNIE, Seyoum - SCAGLIONE, Silvia - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - AIELLO, Maurizio. Sviluppo e validazione di una piattaforma innovativa per lo studio in vitro dei diversi meccanismi di assorbimento intestinale. In L’Integratore Nutrizionale, 2020, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 38-45. ISSN 1127-6320. Typ: GII

  26. MARRELLA, Alessandra - BURATTI, Paolo - MARKUS, Ján - FIRPO, Giuseppe - PESENTI, Mario - LANDRY, Timothy - AYEHUNIE, Seyoum - SCAGLIONE, Silvia** - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - AIELLO, Maurizio. In vitro demonstration of intestinal absorption mechanisms of different sugars using 3D organotypic tissues in a fluidic device. In ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 2020, vol. 37, no. 2, p. 255-264. (2019: 5.787 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.270 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1868-596X. Typ: ADMA 

  27. NEUHAUS, Winfried - JÍROVÁ, Dagmar - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - KOJIMA, Hajime - LANG, Annemarie - SMITH, Adrian - SZABO, Györgyi. Establishing an International 3Rs Centers Network : meeting reports - corners. In ALTEX: Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 2020, vol. 37, no. 1, p. 148-149. (2019: 5.787 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.270 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1868-596X.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG

  28. ALLEN, Dave - BAE, Ok-Nam - ESKES, Chantra - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - HOFFMANN, Sebastian - KOJIMA, Hajime. Independent Peer-Review Panel Report on the scientific validity of the KeraSkinTM Skin Irritation Test Reconstructed human Epidermis method : as a similar test according to OECD Test Guideline 439 and Guidance Document 220. In OECD, 29 July 2020. Produced in the context of update of OECD TG 439. - OECD, 2020, draft updated Test Guideline 439 on In Vitro Skin Irritation: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Methods. Report of the peer-review of the validation of KeraSkin. Dostupné na internete: <>. Typ: BGG

  29. CALONI, Francesca - CAZZANIGA, Alessandra - COCCINI, Teresa - GUTLEB, Arno C. - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - MELONI, Marisa - RASHIDI, Hassan - SAMBUY, Yula - WILFLINGSEDER, Doris - CASATI, Giulio. Virtual Summer School: Alternative Methods and Models in Science: A Multidisciplinary In Vitro Approach : meeting report. In ALTEX : Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 2020, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 500-502. (2019: 5.787 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.270 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1868-596X.(Virtual Summer School 2020 : Lake Como School of Advanced Studies). Typ: AFG

  30. Kandarova H., Jírová D. (2019). Behind the claim -  In Vitro 3D human tissue models in the studies of cosmetics for “sensitive skin”. H&PC Today - Household and Personal Care Today - vol. 14(2) March/April 2019.

  31. Vinken M., Suter-Dick L., Kandarova H. (2019). ESTIV2018: 20th anniversary of the International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology. Toxicology in Vitro. Jun 18; 60:293-295. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2019.06.005

  32. Kejlova K., Dvorakova M., Vavrous A., Sevcik V., Kandarova H., Letasiova S., Sosnovcova J., Jirova D. (2019). Toxicity of food contact paper evaluated by combined biological and chemical methods. Toxicology in Vitro, Sep; 59:26-34. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2019.04.001

  33. Coleman K.P., Grailer T.P., McNamara L.R., Rollins B.L., Christiano N.J., Kandarova H., De Jong W.H.(2018). Preparation of irritant polymer samples for an in vitro round robin study, Toxicology in Vitro, 02 Feb 2018, 50:401-406. DOI: 10.1016/j.tiv.2018.01.018

  34. Kandarova H., Bendova H., Letasiova S., Coleman K.P., De Jong W.H., Jirova D.(2018). Evaluation of the medical devices benchmark materials in the controlled human patch testing and in the RhE in vitro skin irritation protocol, Toxicology in Vitro, 50

  35. Kandarova H., Willoughby J.A., De Jong W.H., Letasiova S., Milasova T., Bachelor M.A., Breyfogle B., Handa Y., De la Fonteyne L., Coleman K.P. (2018). Pre-validation of an in vitro skin irritation test for medical devices using the reconstructed human tissue model EpiDerm™, Toxicology in Vitro, 50

  36. De Jong W.H., Hoffmann S., Lee M., Kandarova H., Pellevoisin C., Haishima Y., Rollins B., Zdawczyk A., Willoughby J., Bachelor M., Schatz T., Skoog S., Parker S., Sawyer A., Pescio P., Fant K., Kim K.(2018). Round robin study to evaluate the reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) model as an in vitro skin irritation test for detection of irritant activity in medical device extracts. Toxicology in Vitro, 50

  37. Adriaens E., Alepee N., Kandarova H., Drzewieckac A., Gruszka K., Guest R., Willoughby J.A., Verstraelen S., Van Rompay A.R. (2018). Reprint of “CON4EI: Selection of the reference chemicals for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  38. Verstraelen S., Maglennon G., Hollanders K., Boonen F., Adriaens E., Alepee N., Drzewiecka A., Gruszka K., Kandarova H., Willoughby J.A., Guest R., Schofield J., Van Rompay A.R.(2018). Reprint of “CON4EI: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals”. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  39. Adriaens E., Verstraelen S., Alepee N., Kandarova H., Drzewiecka A., Gruszka K., Guest R., Willoughby J.A., Van Rompay A.R.(2018). CON4EI: Development of testing strategies for hazard identification and labelling for serious eye damage and eye irritation of chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  40. Geerts L., Adriaens E., Alepee N., Guest R., Willoughby J.A., Kandarova H., Drzewiecka A., Fochtman P., Verstraelen S., Van Rompay A.R.(2018). CON4EI: Evaluation of QSAR models for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  41. Kandarova H., Letasiova S., Adriaens E., Guest R., Willoughby J.A., Drzewiecka A., Gruszka K., Alepee N., Verstraelen S., Van Rompay A.R.(2018). CON4EI: CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy - EpiOcular™ time-to-toxicity (EpiOcular ET-50) protocols for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  42. Adriaens E., Willoughby J.A., Meyer B.R., Blakeman L.C., Alepee N., Fochtman P., Guest R., Kandarova H., Verstraelen S., Van Rompay A.R.(2018). CON4EI: Short Time Exposure (STE) test method for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  43. Adriaens E., Guest R., Willoughby J.A., Fochtman P., Kandarova H., Verstraelen S., Van Rompay A.R.(2018). CON4EI: Slug Mucosal Irritation (SMI) test method for hazard identification and labelling of serious eye damaging and eye irritating chemicals

  44. Kandarova H., Letasiova S., Adriaens E., Guest R., Willoughby J.A., Drzewiecka A., Gruszka K., Alepee N., Verstraelen S., Van Rompay A.R.(2018). CON4EI: EpiOcular™ Eye Irritation Test (EpiOcular™ EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  45. Van Rompay A.R., Alepee N., Nardelli L., Hollanders K., Leblanc V., Drzewiecka A., Gruszka K., Guest R., Kandarova H., Willoughby J.A., Verstraelen S., Adriaens E.(2018). CON4EI: SkinEthic™ Human Corneal Epithelium Eye Irritation Test (SkinEthic™ HCE EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro, 49

  46. Kandarova, H. and Iscan, M. (2017) 53rd EUROTOX Congress: Connecting for a Safer Future. EUROTOX 2017 Supplement, Foreword. Toxicol Lett. 2017 Oct 20; 280 Suppl 1:S1. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2017.08.001. Epub 2017 Aug 8.

  47. Verstraelen S., Maglennon G., Hollanders K., Boonen F., Adriaens E., Alepee N., Drzewiecka A., Gruszka K., Kandarova H., Willoughby J.A., Guest R., Schofield J., Van Rompay A.R.(2017). CON4EI: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro 44. 

  48. Adriaens E., Alepee N., Kandarova H., Drzewieckac A., Gruszka K., Guest R., Willoughby J.A., Verstraelen S., Van Rompay A.R.(2017). CON4EI: Selection of the reference chemicals for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro 44. 

  49. Desprez B., Barroso J., Griesinger C., Kandárová H., Alépée N., Fuchs H.W (2015). Two novel prediction models improve predictions of skin corrosive sub-categories by test methods of OECD Test Guideline No. 431, Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 29, Issue 8, December 2015, Pages 2055-2080,

  50. Sarah Gordon, Mardas Daneshian, Joke Bouwstra, Francesca Caloni, Samuel Constant, Donna E Davies, Gudrun Dandekar, Carlos A Guzman, E Fabian, Eleonore Haltner, Thomas Hartung, Nina Hasiwa, P Hayden, H Kandarova, S Khare, HF Krug, C Kneuer, Marcel Leist, G Lian, U Marx, Marco Metzger, K Ott, P Prieto, MS Roberts, EL Roggen, T Tralau, C van den Braak, Heike Walles, Claus-Michael Lehr (2015). Non-animal models of epithelial barriers (skin, intestine and lung) in research, industrial applications and regulatory toxicology.Altex,32,4,327-378.

  51. Hayden, Patrick J; Bachelor, Michael; Ayehunie, Seyoum; Letasiova, Silvia; Kaluzhny, Yulia; Klausner, Mitchell; Kandárová, Helena (2015). Application of MatTek In Vitro Reconstructed Human Skin Models for Safety, Efficacy Screening, and Basic Preclinical Research.  Applied In Vitro Toxicology,1,3,226-233,2015, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot Street, 3rd Floor New Rochelle, NY 10801 USA"

  52. Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., Handa, Y., DeLuca, J., Truong, T., Hunter, A., Kearney, P., d'Argembeau-Thornton, L., Klausner, M. (2015). The EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals: protocol optimisation for solid materials and the results after extended shipment.  Alternatives to Laboratory Animals : ATLA [2015, 43(2):101-127] 

  53. Sarah Gordon, Mardas Daneshian, Joke Bouwstra, Francesca Caloni, Samuel Constant, Donna E Davies, Gudrun Dandekar, Carlos A Guzman, E Fabian, Eleonore Haltner, Thomas Hartung, Nina Hasiwa, P Hayden, H Kandarova, S Khare, HF Krug, C Kneuer, Marcel Leist, G Lian, U Marx, Marco Metzger, K Ott, P Prieto, MS Roberts, EL Roggen, T Tralau, C van den Braak, Heike Walles, Claus-Michael Lehr (2015). Non-animal models of epithelial barriers (skin, intestine and lung) in research, industrial applications and regulatory toxicology.Altex,32,4,327-378.

  54. Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., d'Argembeau-Thornton, L., Kearney, P., Klausner, M. (2015). Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for Hazard Identification of Eye Irritating Chemicals using Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelial (RhCE) Tissue Model. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 102, 2015 

  55. Basketter, D., Jirova, D., Kandarova, H (2012). Review of skin irritation/corrosion Hazards on the basis of human data: A regulatory perspective. Interdisciplinary toxicology 06/2012; 5(2):98-104.

  56. Ceridono, M., Tellner,P., Bauer, D., Barroso,J., Alépée,N., Corvi, R., De Smedt,A., Fellows,M.D., Gibbs,N.K. Heisler, E., Kandarova, H. [......] and Wilcox, J. (2012). The 3T3 neutral red uptake phototoxicity test: practical experience and implications for phototoxicity testing--the report of an ECVAM-EFPIA workshop. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology; 63(3):480-8.

  57. Kolle, S.N., Kandárová, H., Wareing, B., van Ravenzwaay, B.,  Landsiedel, R. (2011). In-house validation of the EpiOcular(TM) eye irritation test and its combination with the bovine corneal opacity and permeability test for the assessment of ocular irritation. ATLA, 39 (4), 365-387.

  58. Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., Hayden, P. Kubilus, J., d'Argembeau-Thornton, L., Klausner, M. (2011). Development of the EpiOcular(TM) eye irritation test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals in response to the requirements of the EU cosmetics directive and REACH legislation. ATLA, 39 (4), 339-364.

  59. Kandárová, H., Letasiová, S. (2011). Alternative methods in toxicology: pre-validated and validated methods. Interdiscip Toxicol, 4 (3), 107-113. 

  60. Kandárová, H., Kaluzhny, Y., Klausner, M., Hayden, P. (2010). The Way Forward for In Vitro Skin Irritation and Corrosion Testing–2010 Update. E-publication: Published: December 17, 2010 

  61. Jirova, D., Basketter, D., Liebsch, M., Bendova, H., Kejlova, K, Marriott, M., Kanďárová H. (2010) Comparison of Human Skin Irritation Patch Test Data with In Vitro Skin Irritation Assays and Animal Data. Contact Dermatitis 62 (2), pp. 109 -116.

  62. Kandárová H., Hayden, P., Klausner, M., Kubilus, J., Kearney, P. and Sheasgreen, J. (2009): In Vitro Skin Irritation Test: Improving the Sensitivity of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test Protocol. ATLA  37 (6), pp. 671 – 669.

  63. Kandárová H., Hayden, P., Klausner, M., Kubilus, J., Sheasgreen, J. (2009). An In Vitro Skin Irritation Test (SIT) using the EpiDerm Reconstructed Human Epidermal (RHE) Model. JoVE. 29., doi: 10.3791/1366.  

  64. Jírová, D., Liebsch. M., Basketter, D., Kandárová, H., Bendová, H., Marriott, M., Kejlová, K., Spiller, E. (2008)  Comparison of human skin irritation and photo-irritation patch test data with cellular in vitro assays and animal in vivo data. Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation - AATEX 14. 359–365.  

  65. Spielmann, H., Hoffmann, S., Liebsch, M., Botham, P., Fentem, J., Eskes, C., Rouguet, R., Cotovio, J., Cole, T., Worth, A., Heyling, J., Jones, P., Robles, C., Kandárová, H., Gamer, A., Remmele, M., Curren, R., Raabe, H., Cockshott, A., Gerner, I. and Zuang, V. (2007). The ECVAM International Validation Study on In Vitro Tests for Acute Skin Irritation: Report on the Validity of the EPISKIN and EpiDerm Assays and on the Skin Integrity Function Test. ATLA 35, 559–601

  66. Kejlová, K., Jírová, D., Bendová, H., Kandárová, H., Weidenhoffer Z., Kolářová, H. and Liebsch M (2007). Phototoxicity of Bergamot oil assessed by in vitro techniques in combination with human patch tests. Toxicology in Vitro 21, p. 1298–1303.

  67. Kanďárová, H., Liebsch, M., Schmidt, E., Traue, D., Spielmann, H., Meyer, K., Steinhoff, C., Tornier, C., De Wever, B., Rosdy, M., (2006). Assessment of the skin irritation potential of chemicals using the SkinEthic RHE and the “common skin irritation protocol” evaluated in the ECVAM Skin irritation validation study. ATLA 34, 393–406.

  68. Kanďárová, H., Liebsch, M., Spielmann, H., Genschow, E., Schmidt, E., Guest, R., Whittingham, A., Warren, N., Gamer, A., Remmele, M., Kaufmann, T., Wittmer, E., De Wever, B., Rosdy, M., (2006). Assessment of the SkinEthic Reconstituted Human Epidermis for skin corrosion testing according to OECD guideline 431. Toxicology in Vitro 20, 547–559.

  69. Kandárová, H., Richter, H. Liebsch, M. and Lademann J. (2007): Stratum corneum architecture of reconstructed human skin models monitored by fluorescent confocal laser scanning microscopy. Laser Phys. Lett. Volume 4/4, Pages 308 – 311.

  70. Kanďárová, H., Liebsch, M.,  Gerner, I., Schmidt, E., Genschow, E., Traue, D.,  Spielmann, H., (2005). EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test Protocol – Assessment of the performance of the optimised test. ATLA 33 (4), p. 351

  71. Schreiber, S., Mahmoud, A., Vuia, A., Rübbelke, M.K., Schmidt, E., Schaller, M., Kandárová, H., Haberland, A., Schäfer, U.F., Bock, U., Korting, H.C., Liebsch, M. and Schäfer-Korting, M., (2005). Reconstructed Epidermis versus Human and Animal Skin in Skin Absorption Studies Toxicology in Vitro, 19 (6), p.813-822.

  72. Kanďárová, H., Liebsch, M., Genschow, E., Ingrid, Gerner, Traue, D., Slawik, B., Spielmann, H., (2004). Optimisation of the EpiDerm Test Protocol for the upcoming ECVAM Validation Study on In Vitro Skin Irritation Tests. ALTEX 21, 3/04, 107-114. 

  73. Kandárová, H., Jantová, S., Hojerová, J., (2004). New approaches to the safety evaluation of cosmetic products and ingredients. Review. Česko - Slovenská dermatologie 79 (2), p. 75-83 (Indexed/Excerpted in Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts). 

  74. Kandárová, H., Hojerová, J., Jantová, S., (2002): Safety of Cosmetic products - In vitro methods. Derma 4, p.15-17

Editor of Special Editions 

  1. Kandarova H., Dvorakova M., Roper C. (2023). “Proceedings of the 21th ESTIV congress 2022”.Toxicology In Vitro 

  2. Kandarova H (2022): Virtual Special Collection: Spotlight on Serum-free  Approaches.

  3. Vinken M., Suter-Dick L., Kandarova H. (2019) “Proceedings of the 20th ESTIV congress 2018”. Toxicology In Vitro 60.

  4. Kandarova, H. and Iscan, M. (2017) 53rd EUROTOX Congress: Connecting for a Safer Future. EUROTOX 2017 Supplement,  Toxicol Lett. 2017 Oct 20; 280 Suppl 1:S1

  5. Jana Navarová, Helena Kanďárová, Mojmír Mach (2014). Connecting for safer Europe : 19th Interdisciplinary toxicological conference. Programme & abstracts.Interdisciplinary toxicology 7 (S1) 

  6. Jana Navarová, Helena Kanďárová, Mojmír Mach (2012). TOXCON 2012. Toxicology at the crossrodad : 17th Intedisciplinary toxicological conference and Advanced toxicological course. The High Tatras, Slovakia. Stará Lesná - hotel Academia, August 27-31, 2012. Programme and abstracts. Interdisciplinary Toxicology 5 (S1)

  7. Mojmír Mach, Helena Kanďárová, Jana Navarová, Eduard Ujhazy, Michal Dubovický (2010). TOXCON 2010: Borderless toxicology. 15th Interdisciplinary toxicological conference & advanced toxicological course. The High Tatras Slovakia, Stará Lesná - Hotel Academia, September 6-10, 2010. Interdisciplinary toxicology 3 (1). 1337-6853 

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