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EU-NETVAL (European Union Network of Laboratories for the Validation of Alternative Methods)

EU-NETVAL is a EURL ECVAM network of specialised laboratories located in the EU member states.


EU-NETVAL's mission is to provide support for EURL ECVAM validation studies to assess the reliability and relevance of alternative methods that have a potential to replace, reduce or refine the use of animals for scientific purposes.

EURL ECVAM coordinates EU-NETVAL and works closely with the Commission's Directorate-General for Environment to facilitate interaction with the National Contact Points for the implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.


EU-NETVAL was set up by EURL ECVAM in response to the provision of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes which requests that EU Member States assist the European Commission in the validation of alternative methods. Currently there are a total of 35 members of EU-NETVAL, selected against pre-defined eligibility criteria and endorsed by the National Contact Points.


The Terms of Reference for EU-NETVAL detail the legislative anchor, the establishment of the network and the maintenance of its membership, tasks of network members and of EURL ECVAM in support of validation studies, the allocation of tasks to members and the financing of the network activities.


The current network holds a range of expertise and competences and includes laboratories experienced in advanced in vitro procedures, test systems and measurement techniques which are considered important to address specific aims and objectives identified in EURL ECVAM's strategies to achieve Three Rs impact in different areas of regulatory safety testing.

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SAS laboratories joined the international EU-NETVAL network


18.11.2020 from:


The laboratories of the Institute of Experimental Pharmacology & Toxicology of the CEM SAS have been accepted as a member of the network of laboratories of the European Union Network of Laboratories for the Validation of Alternative Methods (EU-NETVAL). This network was established by the European Commission in connection with the Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. Thanks to this success, the Institute will participate in validation projects of EURL-ECVAM (EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing), provide expertise and cooperation in training and raising awareness of alternative methods. In cooperation with EU experts, it will assist in the identification and validation of appropriate in vitro methods for future applications in regulatory toxicology.


"It is a major achievement for us, but also a commitment. The key task will be to strengthen the further development of in vitro toxicology laboratories and to become an integral part of interesting EU-NETVAL projects. It is similar international experiences that will enrich our Institute with state-of-the-art knowledge in the safety assessment of in vitro substances. In this way, we can partially or completely eliminate animal testing in some areas, or better understand the mechanisms of toxicity of substances,“ said Mojmír Mach, Director of the Institute of Experimental Pharmacology & Toxicology of the CEM SAS.


The Institute of Experimental Pharmacology & Toxicology of the CEM SAS operates the only breeding station for experimental animals in Slovakia. The Institute has not only in vivo laboratories, but also modern laboratories for carrying out toxicological studies in vitro (i.e. without the use of laboratory animals), and also provides training activities in this area. Several employees of the Institute are members of the National Expert Scientific Group for the Assessment of Alternative Methods at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and members of the Slovak National Platform for 3R Principles (Reduce, Refine, Replace) in Science and Research (SNP3Rs).

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