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Lectures and Posters - In progress (not a full list)

Lectures and Posters
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Oral presentatons



  • Kandarova, H. (2021). "In vitro topical toxicity testing of medical devices in line with the new ISO 10993-23 (Invited Plenary lecture).  ISOPS-13, Ankara, Turkey, June 22-25, 2021. 

  • Kandarova, H. (2021). How much complexity is enough? In vitro phototoxicity case (Invited Lecture). Virtual Summer School 2021 Lake Como School, 7-8 June 2021.

  • Kandarova, H.(2021). Toxicity testing without animals - focus on the eye (Invited Lecture). Virtual Class - Alternative Methods in Toxicology. Course: Alternative Methods in Toxicology, Università degli Studi di Milano, Veterinary Biotechnology Sciences. April 13, 2021

  • BUBALO, Natalia - KEJLOVÁ, Kristína - SZABÓ, Györgyi - NEUHAUS, W. - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena. The Principles of 3rs in the Middle and East Eu – What we have learned and what was achieved? : Round table discussion. In RegToxInVitro - Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and risk assessment of the chemicals, food, and feed. International scientific symposium. May 24 - 25, 2021, Bratislava : book of abstracts. - Bratislava : MPRV SR, SETOX, 2021, p. 25-26. ISBN 978-80-89738-24-3. (RegToxInVitro : Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and risk assessment of the chemicals, food, and feed) Typ: AFH

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - MILEC, Lucia. Implementation of Alternative Methods and Principles of 3rs into the Science and Education in Slovakia. In RegToxInVitro - Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and risk assessment of the chemicals, food, and feed. International scientific symposium. May 24 - 25, 2021, Bratislava : book of abstracts. - Bratislava : MPRV SR, SETOX, 2021, p. 22-23. ISBN 978-80-89738-24-3. (RegToxInVitro : Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and risk assessment of the chemicals, food, and feed) Typ: AFH


  • Kandarova, H.(2020). Reconstructed human 3D skin models for in vitro topical toxicity testing. In Virtual Summer School 2020 Lake Como School, 3-4 June 2020. Available at 

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). In Vitro Skin Irritation Testing of Medical Devices – Concepts, Validation, Implementation: invited lecture. In Eurofins Medical Device Seminar 2020. Munich, Germany. 21. - 22. October 2020, event online. Dostupné na internete: <>(Eurofins Medical Device Seminar 2020). Typ: GII

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). Medical Devices Biocompatibility In Vitro - Are we there yet? : invited keynote lecture. In Advances in Cell & Tissue Culture, ACTC 2020, 30th September - 1st October 2020, Cardiff, Wales. - Kirkstall Ltd., 2020, p. 12. (Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture 2020: annual conference - virtual). Typ: GII (Invited keynote lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). Alternative methods and OECD testing guidelines: invited lecture. In ESTIV Applied In Vitro Toxicology Training Course. Advanced Toxicology Training Course. 25-30 October 2020, Brussels. - Brussels : ESTIV, BelTox, UCLouvain, 2020, virtual event. Dostupné na internete: <>(ESTIV Applied In Vitro Toxicology Training Course: Advanced Toxicology Training Course). Typ: GII (Invited lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). In vitro methods for skin irritation and corrosion testing: invited lecture. In ESTIV Applied In Vitro Toxicology Training Course. Advanced Toxicology Training Course. 25-30 October 2020, Brussels. - Brussels : ESTIV, BelTox, UCLouvain, 2020, virtual event. Dostupné na internete: <>(ESTIV Applied In Vitro Toxicology Training Course : Advanced Toxicology Training Course). Typ: GII (Invited lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). Potenciál a využitie in vitro 3D rekonštituovaných tkanivových modelov ľudských tkanív vo vede a vyskume v kontexte nariadeni OECD a ISO : invited lecture = The use of reconstructed human tissue models in toxicology, pharmacology and medical safety testing in the regulatory context of the OECD guidelines and ISO standards. In The meeting of the scientific cluster Omics4Health. October 8-9, Bratislava, Slovakia. - Omics4Health, TraiN-SafeMDs, 2020. Dostupné na internete: <>(The meeting of the scientific cluster Omics4Health). Typ: GII  (Invited keynote lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). Alternative methods in modern toxicology : invited keynote talk. In The Online Conference with international participation: Alternatives to animal experiments in biology, medicine, toxicology. September 24-25, 2020, Minsk, Belarus : online konference [elektronický zdroj]. - Minsk, Belarus :, 2020. Dostupné na internete: <>(Alternatives to animal experiments in biology, medicine, toxicology : The Online Conference with international participation). Typ: GII (Invited lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). Alternative Methods and 3D tissue models: invited lecture. In ToxGurukul Foundation. Representing Indian Toxicology Community. Webinars. 07.11.2020, India. - Kothrud, Pune, India: ToxGurukul, 2020, #05/2020. Dostupné na internete: <>(ToxGurukul Foundation - webinar). Typ: GII  (Invited lecture)

  • PÔBIŠ, Peter - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2020). Vývoj protokolu pre hodnotenie očnej dráždivosti a fototoxického potenciálu liečiv a zdravotníckych pomôcok s využitím in vitro 3d rekonštituovaného tkanivového modelu ľudskej rohovky. In Chémia a technológie pre život. 22. celoslovenská študentská vedecká konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou organizovaná v online formáte : elektronický zborník. Editori: Milena Reháková, Juraj Oravec. - Bratislava : Slovenská chemická knižnica, 2020, s. 105-106. ISBN 978-80-8208-042-4.(APVV-19-0591 : In vitro hodnotenie bio-kompatibility zdravotníckych pomôcok (ZP) a innovatívnych bio-materiálov pre ZP. Vega č. 2/0153/20 : Hodnotenie biologickej kompatibility zdravotníckych pomôcok (ZP) a innovativnych materiálov pre výrobu ZP s využitím in vitro metód založených na 3D rekonštruovaných modeloch ľudského tkaniva. Chémia a technológie pre život : Celoslovenská študentská vedecká konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou). Typ: AFD. Awarded as The best oral presentation in the category Biochemisry 

  • Kandarova, H. (2020). Alternative methods in the 21st century – opportunities, challenges and hopes. R2N Wintercamp. Braunlage. 20.-22.01.2020 – R2N Science Winter Camp. (Keynote lecture). Report from the meeting available at: van der Mierden, S., Leenaars, C. and Bleich, A. (2020) “R2N Science Camp”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 37(2), pp. 315-316. doi: 10.14573/altex.2002211. (Invited keynote lecture).


  • Kandarova, H. (2019). Alternative methods in modern toxicology (2019). International Toxicological School, Kyiv, Ukraine. 6-7 December 2019 (Invited lecture).

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2019). Skin models in cosmetic science from an industry perspective - standardized tissue models for correct hazard identification and safety testing . In LE STUDIUM Conferences - Skin Models in Cosmetic Science: Bridging Established Methods and Novel Technologies. 2 - 4 December 2019, Tours, France : abstracts. - Tours, 2019, p. 26.(LE STUDIUM CONFERENCES 2019 : Skin Models in Cosmetic Science: Bridging Established Methods and Novel Technologies). (Invited lecture)

  • MILEC, Lucia - KUZMIAK THEISZOVÁ, Marica - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2019). Propagácia alternatívnych metód a slovenská platforma SNP 3Rs. In Mladí vedci - Bezpečnosť potravinového reťazca, Bratislava 21. - 22. november 2019 : zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie. - Bratislava : Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka Slovenskej republiky, 2019, s. 144-147. ISBN 978-80-89738-19-9.(Mladí vedci - Bezpečnosť potravinového reťazca : vedecká konferencia). 

  • SCAGLIONE, Silvia - BURATTI, Paolo - MARRELLA, Alessandra - MARKUŠ, Ján - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - AIELLO, Maurizio (2019). Demonstration of different intestinal absorption mechanisms of lactulose and mannitol by using 3D tissue inserts within fluidic multi-chamber devices . In ALTEX Proceedings, 2019, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 182. ISSN 2194-0479.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - MILEC, Lucia - MACH, Mojmír (2019) Slovak National Platform for Three Rs (SNP 3Rs) in Science, Education, Research and Development. In ALTEX Proceedings, 2019, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 96. ISSN 2194-0479.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG

  • Letasiova S.1, Galbiati V.2, Corsini E.2, Kandarova H  (2019). Use of In Vitro Reconstructed Normal Human Epidermal Model EpiDerm and Interleukin-18 (IL-18) to Determine the Skin Sensitatizion Potency of Different Chemicals. TOXCON 2019, Vyhne, Sitno Hotel, Slovakia, Abstract In: Interdisciplinary toxicology. Vol. 12(Suppl. 1): 2019, p. 25. ISSN 1337-6853 (print version) 1337-9569  (Lecture) 

  • Kandarova H., Podobová E. (2019).  IMPLEMENTATION OF IN VITRO METHODS AND 3RS PRINCIPLES INTO THE STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING THE BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF MEDICAL DEVICES (ISO 10993). 24th Interdisciplinary Toxicological Conference. Hotel Sitno, Vyhne, Slovakia June 20-22, 2019. June 26-28, 2019. Abstract In: Interdisciplinary toxicology. Vol. 12(Suppl. 1): 2019, p. 27. ISSN 1337-6853 (print version) 1337-9569  (Lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - MILEC, Lucia - MACH, Mojmír. Slovak National Platform for Three Rs (SNP 3Rs) in Science, Education, Research and Development. In ALTEX Proceedings, 2019, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 96. ISSN 2194-0479.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG (Lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, H. (2019). Reconstructed human skin equivalents- past, present and future. Workshop on 3D cell culture models: Lung, intestine and skin tissues Organized by the PATROLS and CITYCARE consortia. Adolphe Merkle Institute, Fribourg, Switzerland. July, 2019, 8-9th Adolphe Merkle Institute, Fribourg, Switzerland (Invited lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, H. (2019).Can we rely on the predictions derived from in vitro reconstructed human tissue models? ACTC Conference. Cardiff, UK, June 3-5, 2019  (Keynote lecture)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, H. (2019). Reconstructed tissue models for in vitro toxicity testing of chemicals, cosmetics and medical devices. V-ZET Symposium, Hannover. 3 rd Symposium of the Virtual Center for Replacement/Complementary Methods to Animal Testing of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. March 28-29, 2019 (Keynote lecture). Abstract In: Book of abstracts, p.



  • Helena Kandarova and Silvia Letasiova (2018). The effort of international business in 3Rs. Inauguration of Centro 3R — March 14th, 2018, Pisa, Italy (Invited lecture

  • Helena Kandarova and Silvia Letasiova (2018). Skin Irritation Test (SIT) - Introduction into the assay procedures. ESTIV Applied In Vitro Toxicology Couse, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 8 - 13 April 2018 (Lecture and training). Setting up a 6-hour workshop on in vitro skin and eye irritation testing

  • Kandarova H., Letasiova S and Markus J (2018). In Vitro Reconstructed 3D Models for the safety assessment of cosmetics, chemicals, drugs and medical devices. 10th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries (CTDC10), 12th Congress of the Serbian Society of Toxicology (12th SCT). Metropol Palace Hotel April 18-21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. (Workshop and Lectures)

  • Kandarova H., (2018): Skin corrosion, skin irritation and photo-irritation tests in vitro using reconstructed human skin model EpiDerm™​. 0th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries (CTDC10), 12th Congress of the Serbian Society of Toxicology (12th SCT). Metropol Palace Hotel April 18-21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. (Workshop and Lectures)

  • Jan Markus, Timothy Landry, Zachary Stevens, Mitchell Klausner, Patrick Hayden, Helena Kandarova, and Seyoum Ayehunie. (2018). Modelling of Live Bacteria or Ligand-Induced Acute and Chronic Inflammation in the Gut using In Vitro 3D-Primary Reconstructed Human Small Intestinal Tissues (EpiIntestinal). ACTC 2018, 2018 05 21-23. Cardiff. Abstract In: Book of Abstracts from the ACTC conference. 

  • Kandarova H., Letasiova S., Bachelor M. and Milasova T. (2018). DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE EPIDERMIN VITRO SKIN IRRITATION PROTOCOL FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF MEDICAL DEVICES EXTRACTS. Abstract in: Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2018; Vol. 11(1).p 19. (Lecture) 

  • Markus J., Kandarova H. and Ayehunie S.(2018). RECONSTRUCTED 3D HUMAN SMALL INTESTINE

  • MODEL FOR PREDICTION OF GASTROINTESTINAL TOXICITY AND DRUG ABSORPTION. Abstract in: Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2018; Vol. 11(1).p 19. (Lecture) 


  • H Kandarova (2018). Artificial skin models for cosmetic testing. IFSCC Munich. Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” The 30th IFSCC Munich Congress 18-21, September 2018. (Invited Lecture at the pre-congress workshop). 

  • H Kandarova (2018). Having a Successful Career in In Vitro Toxicology: Pillars of Success. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p. 283 (Invited Keynote lecture). 

  • George R. Jackson Jr, Anna Maione, Mitchell Klausner, Silvia Letasiova, Helena Kandarova (2018). Pre-validation of an acute inhalation toxicity test using the EpiAirway in vitro human airway model. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p.118

  • Jan Markus, Helena Kandarova, Timothy Landry and Seyoum Ayehunie (2018). Reconstructed 3D model of the human small intestine for prediction of gastrointestinal toxicity and drug absorption. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p. 263

  • Helena Kandarova, Alzbeta Liskova, Bushra Sim, Fiona Bailey, Carol Treasure, Dagmar Jírová, Kristina Kejlova and Silvia Letasiova (2018). Inter-and intra-laboratory reproducibility of the in vitro photo-toxicity test using 3D reconstructed human epidermis model EpiDerm. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p. 265

  • Helena Kandarova, Silvia Letasiova, Michael Bachelor and Tatiana Milasova  (2018). Successful development and validation of the EpiDerm in vitro skin irritation protocol for the assessment of medical devices extracts. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p. 266

  • Helena Kandarova (2018). The Slovak National Platform for 3Rs – SNP 3Rs, ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p. 269

  • I. Wilk-Zasadna,  C. Eskes, J. Barroso, H. Kamp,  A. M. Vinggaard, H. Kandarova, R. Buesen (2018). Student session 2 - Career session. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany

  • A. Maione, G. R. Jackson, M. Klausner, S. Letašiová, H. Kandarova P. Hayden (2018). Pre-validation of an acute inhalation toxicity test using the EpiAirway in  vitro human airway model MatTek Corporation. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress. p. 

  • H. Kandarova, S. Letašiová (2018). Skin irritation testing and organ-on-a-chip models. Post-conference Workshop with lectures and practical training. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress. p. 

  • Yulia Kaluzhny, Helena Kandárová, Laurence d’Argembeau-Thornton, Thoa Truong, Paul Kearney, Patrick Hayden, Mitchell Klausner (2018). EpiOcular (TM) eye irritation test (EpiOcular-EIT) for identification of materials not requiring classification and labelling for eye irritation or serious eye damage. 2nd Pan American Conference on Alternative Methods, August 23-24, Rio de Janeiro.  2018. Presentation published


2017 - 2010 (in progress - stay tuned, a lot of materials to process ...;-))


  • H Kandarova, S Ayehunie, C Cannon, K Larosa, P Hayden, M Klausner (2010) Use of the organotypic EpiVaginal™ tissue model to screen irritation potential of feminine hygiene ingredients and formulations. Toxicology Letters 196, S152-S153

  • P Hayden, H Kandarova, G Jackson, M Klausner( 2010). An in vitro human airway model (EpiAirway) for toxicity and drug delivery screening of inhaled formulations. Toxicology Letters, S153

  • Y Kaluzhny, H Kandarova, S Letasiova, P Hayden, J Sheasgreen (2010), Reproducibility of the MATTEK ocular irritation test (EpiOcular™-OIT) in response to the COLIPA/ECVAM REACH initiative. Toxicology Letters, S151-S152

  • M Klausner, W Deng, J Kubilus, H Kandarova, P Hayden, J Sheasgreen (2010). Meeting requirements of the new OECD TG for in vitro skin irritation testing: Reproducibility of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test (EpiDerm-SIT) following the ECVAM validation …

  • Toxicology Letters, S151 

  • S Ayehunie, H Kandarova, M Child, P Hayden, M Klausner, S Letasiova, ...(2010). Evaluation of plasmacytoid dendritic cell-based assay for chemical allergenicity screening. Toxicology Letters, S152



  • Kanďárová, H., Letašiová, S. (2009). Reconstructed Human Tissue Models: Novel Tools in Toxicology and Pharmacology  Institute of Experimental Oncology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, December 9, 2009, 2009, Bratislava, Slovak Republic (Invited Lecture). 

  • Hayden, P., Bolmarcich, J., Jackson, G., Stolper, G., Kanďárová, H., Klausner, M. (2009) Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Activity In Human In Vitro Dermal (EpiDermTM) and Airway (EpiAirwayTM) Epithelial Models: Alternative (Non- Animal) Models For Determination of Xenobiotic Metabolism. TOXCON 2009 - 14th Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, June 1-3, 2009,Abstract in: Interdisciplinary Toxicology, Abstracts of TOXCON 2009: Volume 2, Nr.2 p.105, ISSN 1337-6853. 

  • Libesch M., Barroso J., Griesinger C., Zuang V., Cotovio J., Alépée N., Kanďárová H.,  Spielmann H., Luch A. and Amcoff P. (2009). Contribution of post-validation activities in the area of in vitro reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) skin irritation tests to the process of OECD acceptance. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, p.239 (Invited Lecture)

  • Kanďárová H. (2009). Reconstructed Human Tissue Models: Advances applications in Phototoxicity Testing in Vitro. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, p. 241 (Invited Lecture). 

  • Hayden P., Kaluzhny Y., Kanďárová H. and Klausner M. (2009). ECVAM validation drives expanded EpiOcularTM applicability domain for EU legislation relevant test articles: successful international pre-validation. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy. August 30- September 3, 2009.  Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X p. 243 (Invited Lecture).

  • Kanďárová H., Letašiová S. (2009). Reconstructed Human Tissue Models: Novel Tools in Toxicology and Pharmacology. FCHPT STU, 2009, Bratislava, Slovak Republic (Invited Lecture).

  • Kanďárová H. (2009). Reconstructed Human Tissue Models: Novel Tools in Toxicology and Pharmacology. Institute of Experimental Pharmacology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, January 19, 2009, Bratislava, Slovak Republic (Invited Lecture).



  • Kanďárová H. (2008). Reconstructed Human Tissue Models as Alternative Tools in Dermatotoxicology. Ist International Conference on Dermatotoxicology, Bilderberg Kasteel, Vaalsbroek, the Netherlands, October 22nd - 25th, 2008. Abstract in: Proceedings from the Ist International Conference on Dermatotoxicology, 72p. (Invited Lecture)

  • Kanďárová H., Hayden P,  Bolmarcich J., Jackson G., Cohen H., Stolper G.,  Klausner M. (2008). Drug metabolizing enzyme activity in human in vitro dermal (EpiDerm™) and airway (EpiAirway™) epithelial models. ESTIV 2008, 15th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology, September 25-28, Stockholm, Sweeden. Abstract in:

  • Liebsch M, Gamer A, Curren R, Frank J, Genschow E, Tharmann J, Remmele M, Bauer B, Raabe H, Barnes N, Hilberer A, Wilt N, Lorngjad-Schäfer MR, Schäfer C, Spiller E, Hayden P, Kanďárová H. (2008). Follow-up Validation of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test (SIT): Results of a Multi-centre Study of Twenty Reference Test Substances. ESTIV 2008, 15th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology, September 25-28, Stockholm, Sweeden. Abstract in:

  • Kanďárová H., Klausner M., Hayden P., Kaluzhny Y., Kubilus J., Ayehunie S.,  Kearney P., Sheasgreen J. (2008). In vitro topical toxicity testing in line with requirements of EU and US regulators: reconstructed human tissue models. 15th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, Septemner 19-21.Linz, Austria. Abstract in: ALTTEX, Volume 25, Supl 1 Linz/2008, ISSN 0946-7785 1-100 (2008), p.34.

  • Liebsch M., Gamer A., Curren R., Frank J., Genschow E., Tharmann J., Remmele M., Bauer B., Raabe H., Barnes N., Hilberer A., Wilt N., Lorngjad-Schäfer MR., Schäfer C., Spiller E., Hayden P., Kanďárová H. (2008). Follow-up validation of the modified EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test (SIT): results of a multicentre study of twenty reference test substances.  15th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, Septemner 19-21.Linz,   Austria. Abstract in: ALTTEX, Volume 25, Supl 1 Linz/2008, ISSN 0946-7785 1-100 (2008), p.43.

  • Kanďárová H., Hayden P., Spiller E., Klausner M., Kubilus J., Sheasgreen J (2008). Skin Irritation Testing of Chemicals and Cosmetic products using Reconstructed Human skin model EpiDerm™. TOXCON 2008, 13th Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference, Trenčianske Teplice, May 27-30, 2008. Abstract In: Interdisciplinary Toxicology, Volume1, No.1, 2008. p.76

  • Bendova H., Basketter D., Jirova D., Marriott M., Kejlova K., Liebsch M., Spiller E., Kanďárová H. (2008) Predicting Skin Irritation: Comparative Study between in vivo rabbit test, 4h human patch test and in vitro human skin model test. European Research Group on Experimental Contact Dermatitis, London, April 24-26, 2008. (No Abstract)

  • Liebsch M., Gamer A., Curren R., Frank J., Genschow E., Tharmann J., Remmele M., Bauer B., Raabe H., Barnes N., Hilberer A., Wilt N., Lorngjad-Schäfer MR., Schäfer C., Spiller E., Hayden P., Kanďárová H. (2008). Follow-up validation of the Epiderm skin irritation test (SIT): results of a multi-centre study of twenty reference test substances. Predicting Irritation: cultured skin models vs rabbit and human. European Research Group on Experimental Contact Dermatitis, London, April 24-26, 2008. (No Abstract)




  • Kanďárová H. (2007). Predicting Photosafety: Comparison of a 3D- Human Skin Model Phototoxicity Test (H3D PT) with Data from 3T3 NRU PT. DIA Workshop, Photosafety Evaluation of Drugs. November 21-22, Amsterdamm (invited lecture). Presentation available at: http://www.diahome.or

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M. (2007). Predicting Photosafety: 3T3 NRU Phototoxcity Test. DIA Workshop, Photosafety Evaluation of Drugs. November 21-22, Amsterdamm (invited lecture). Presentation available at:

  • Kanďárová H., Hayden P., Spiller E., Klausner M., Kubilus J., Sheasgreen J. (2007). Increased Sensitivity of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Protocol Evaluated in the ECVAM Skin Irritation Validation Study. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Oral presentation). Abstract In:  ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 204.

  • Kanďárová H., Raabe H., Chua G., Klausner M., Kubilus J., Hayden P., Ayehunie S., Kaluzhny Y., Curren R., Sheasgreen J. (2007).In Vitro Skin Corrosion Test: Reproducibility Over Time and Optimized Methodology for Testing Chemicals Interfering with the MTT Endpoint. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Oral presentation):Abstract In:  ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 205.

  • Liebsch M., Jírová D., Kejlová K., Bendová H., Kanďárová H., Tharmann J., Traue D., Spielmann H. (2007). ECVAM Photopotency Feasibility Study: In Vitro Skin Model Phototoxicity Test for Determination Phototoxic Potency of Topical Phototoxins. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Oral presentation). Abstract In:  ALTEX  in press

  • Jírová D., Basketter D , Bendová H, Marriott M., Kejlová K., Spiller E, Kanďárová H. and Liebsch H. (2007). Comparison of human skin irritation and photo-irritation patch test data with cellular in vitro assays and animal in vivo data". 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. August 21-25., 2007, Tokyo, Japan. (invited lecture). Abstract In: Proceedings from the 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. p.6 

  • Kanďárová H. (2007). Predicting skin irritation and corrosion: Cultured skin models. Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Skin to Chemicals. 17-20 June 2007, Golden, Colorado, USA (invited lecture). Abstract:

  • Spielmann H., Liebsch M., Kanďárová H.., Botham P., Fentem J., Zuang V., Hartung T.Eskes C., Rouguet R., Cole T., Hoffmann S., Cotovio J., Jones P., Robles C., Gamer A., Curren R (2007). Die ECVAM Validierungsstudie von menschlichen Hautmodellen zur Prüfung auf hautreizende Eigenschaften. 48. Frühjahrstagung der DGPT Programm Toxikologie. Mainz, March 13-15, 2007. (Oral presentation) Abstract In.: Naunyn - Schmiedeberg's Archvies of Pharmacology, Volume 375, Supplement 1 / March, 2007, p. 495. 

  • Kanďárová H. (2007). EpiOcular model: applications and perspectives to replace the in vivo eye irritation test. Colipa Eye Irritation Task Force Brussels, March 13-14, 2007, Brussels. (Oral presentation) 

  • Kanďárová H. (2007). Improving the sensitivity of the EpiDerm protocol to better match the in vivo (rabbit) classifications. Meeting between Peer Review Panel and the Management Team of the of the Skin irritation validation study, Berlin,  February 13th,  2007 (Oral presentation) 

  • Kanďárová H. (2007). False Negative predictions with EpiDerm? - 4h human patch tests: First results. Meeting between Peer Review Panel and the Management Team of the of the Skin irritation validation study, Berlin, February 13th, 2007. (Oral presentation) 

  • Kanďárová H. (2007). Topical toxicity testing according to requirements of EU and US regulators: Skin corrosion and skin irritation test using the EpiDerm™ models. Skin In Vitro 2007: Progress in research, development and legal regulation of in vitro skin models. The 2nd Cell Systems Workshop, Cologne, February 8th, 2007. (invited lecture)

  • Liebsch and Kanďárová H. (2007): In Vitro Skin Corrosion: Human Skin Model Test. The First Indian Congress on Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Education.International Institute for Biotechnology & Toxicology, Chennai, India. 29-31 January 2007.


  • Engelke, M. & Kanďárová H. (2006): Eye irritation test in vitro. Practical Training Course for the identification of ocular irritancy and corrosivity. Institute for Pharmacy, FU-Berlin, March 24.-29.2006. (Presentation & Practical training ).

  • Spielmann H., Kanďárová H., Traue D. (2006): HET- CAM test. Kurs & Seminar  Tierversuche,  Versuchstiere & Alternativmethoden. Blockkurs März 2006. Charité -Berlin, September 2005  (Presentation & Practical training).



  • Spielmann H. & Kanďárová H. (2005). HET-CAM test. Kurs & Seminar  Tierversuche,  Versuchstiere & Alternativmethoden. Blockkurs September 2005. Charité -Berlin, September  2005  (Presentation & Practical training ).

  • Kanďárová H. (2005): Skin corrosion test in vitro using reconstructed human skin models. Practical Training Course on Skin Models. Institute for Pharmacy, FU-Berlin, September 26–28, 2005 (Presentation & Practical training )

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Gerner I., Schmidt E, Genschow E, Traue D and Spielmann H. (2005). Skin irritation in vitro: EpiDerm test protocol developed and optimised for an ECVAM validation study on skin irritation testing of chemicals. 5th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life sciences. Session 5.3: Progress And Needs for Developing and Validating Alternatives for Dermal Toxicity Testing. Berlin, August 21–25, 2005  (Presentation, Abstract). Abstract in : ALTEX 22, Special Issue 2005, page 156, ISSN: 0946-7785

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Spielmann H., Genschow E., Schmidt E., Guest R., Whittingham A., Warren N., Gamer A., Remmele M., Kaufmann T., Wittmer E., De Wever B. (2005):   Validation study with the SkinEthic  Reconstituted Human Epidermis for skin corrosion testing according to OECD guideline 431. DGPT Symposium, Mainz, March 15-17., Abstract in: Naunyn - Schmiedeberg's Archvies of Pharmacology, Supplement 1 to Volume 371, February 2005, Abstr.No. 519, p.124.  

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M. and Spielmann H. (2005): In vitro skin irritation testing: Development and evaluation of a robust, common protocol for 3D reconstructed skin models. Skin In Vitro 2005, Cell Systems workshop, Cologne Maritim Hotel, January 27th  (invited lecture) 

  • Kanďarová H., Liebsch M., Gerner I., Schmidt E.., Genschow E., Traue D. and Spielmann H. (2004): Optimised EpiDerm™ test protocol for the assessment of skin irritation. INVITOX 2004 Zegrze (Poland) 8-11 September 2004.



  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Spielmann H., Tornier C., De Wever B. (2004): Assessment of the Skin Irritation Potential of Chemicals using the SkinEthic Reconstituted Human Epidermis. 3rd International SkinEthic Workshop Nice, France, October 7-8. Presentation In: Workshop book from 3rd International Workshop on In vitro Reconstituted Human Tissue Models in Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology Testing (invited lecture)

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Spielmann H., Genschow E., Schmidt E., Guest R., Whittingham A., Warren N., Gamer A., Remmele M., Kaufmann T., Wittmer E,. De Wever B. (2004): Outcome of the validation study w ith the SkinEthic  Reconstituted Human Epidermis  for skin corrosion testing according to OECD guideline 431. Abstract In: Workshop book from 3rd International Workshop on In vitro Reconstitu ted Human Tissue Models in Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology Testing (invited lecture)



  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Spielmann H. (2003): Assessment of the Skin Corrosion Potential of Chemicals using SKINETHIC Reconstituted Human Epidermis. Presentation In: Workshop book from 2nd International Workshop on In vitro Reconstituted Human Tissue Models in Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology Testing. Grand Aston Hotel, Nice, France, October 16-17, 2003, p. 233-249  (invited lecture)

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Spielmann H. (2003): Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen Testprotokolls für die Hautmodelle EPISKIN und EpiDerm im Rahmen der geplanten ECVAM Validierung von in vitro Hautirritationstests. 11. Kongreß über Alternativen zu Tierversuchen & 8. Jahrestagung der MEGAT 19.-21. September 2003, Universität Linz, Österreich. Abstract in: ALTEX - 3/2003, p.179  (Presentation, Abstract) 



  • Kanďárová H., Hojerová J., Jantová S.(2002): Alternative methods for evaluation of the skin and eye irritancy. The International Conference on Cosmetology Piešťany - Slovakia   Abstract in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cosmetology Piešťany - Slovakia,  p. 73 - 75. ISBN 80-227-1765-7 (Presentation, Abstract)

  • Kanďárová H., Jantová S., Hojerová J.(2002): Alternative Methods for the Safety Evaluation of Cosmetic Ingredients. 7. Medziodborová slovensko - českej toxikologickej konferencia, Martin 24 - 25.6 2002. Abstract in:: Zborník abstraktov z 7. Medziodborovej slovensko - českej toxikologickej konferencie, Martin 24 - 25.6 2002 (Presentation, abstract) 



  • Hojerová J., Jantová S., Kanďárová H. (2001): Verification of the fibroblast cell lines for the toxicity testing of cosmetics. International symposium on Promotion of three R’s concept in relation to animal experimentation in Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, June, 2001, Prague. Abstract In: Proceedings of the International symposium on Promotion of three R’s concept in relation to animal experimentation in Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, June, 2001, Prague, 12, ISBN 80-86313-05-0, 2001. (Presentation, Abstract) 




  • SVOBODOVA L., RUCKI M., VLKOVA A., KEJLOVA K., JIROVA D., DVORAKOVA M., KOLAROVA H., MALY M.,HEINONEN T., KANDAROVA H (2021).  SENSITIZATION POTENTIAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES DETECTED BY IN VITRO AND IN VIVO METHODS In:  Book of Abstracts – RegToxInVitro - Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and risk assessment of the chemicals, food, and feed, May 24 – 25, 2021 | Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-89738-24-3, p. 39 

  • PÔBIŠ, Peter - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2021).  DEVELOPMENT OF AN IN VITRO PROTOCOL FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PHOTO-IRRITATION USING 3D RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN CORNEA-LIKE TISSUE MODELS. In:  Book of Abstracts – RegToxInVitro - Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and riskassessment of the chemicals, food, and feed, May 24 – 25, 2021 | Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-89738-24-3 p.37

  • LETASIOVA, Silvia - KANDAROVA, Helena - ADRIAENS, Els - VERSTRAELEN, Sandra (2021).  ASSESSEMENT OF EYE IRRITATING POTENTIAL OF 59 CHEMICALS USING EPIOCULAR™ TIME-TO-TOXICITY PROTOCOLS. In:  Book of Abstracts – RegToxInVitro - Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and risk
    assessment of the chemicals, food, and feed, May 24 – 25, 2021 | Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-89738-24-3 p. 33.

  • PÔBIŠ, Peter - KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2021).  Medical devices testing in vitro: development and optimisation of the in vitro protocol for screening of the ocular irritation and photo-irritation using 3D reconstructed human cornea-like tissue models. JRC Summer School. To be published in ATLA. - PSCI Awarded poster   

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - RAABE, Hans - HILBERER, Allison - CHOKSI, Neepa - ALLEN, David (2021). Retrospective review on in vitro phototoxicity data generated in 3D skin models to support the development of new OECD Test Guideline. In The Toxicologist : supplement to Toxicological Sciences. - The Society of Toxicology (SOT), Oxford University Press, 2021, vol. 180, suppl. S1, abstract 2350. ISBN 1096-6080. (SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo) Type: AFK


  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - PÔBIŠ, Peter - RAČKOVÁ, Lucia - BÖGI, Eszter - KOPRDOVÁ, Romana - PIEŠOVÁ, Michaela - ŠIMONČIČOVÁ, Eva - MACH, Mojmír. Bio-Compatibility Assessment of Medical Devices Using Reconstructed in Vitro 3D Human Cornea-Like Tissue Model. In Interdisciplinary toxicology, 2020, vol. 13, suppl. 1, p. 53-54. (2019: 0.337 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 1337-6853.(TOXCON 2020 : Interdisciplinary Toxicological Conference. Vega č. 2/0153/20 : Hodnotenie biologickej kompatibility zdravotníckych pomôcok (ZP) a innovativnych materiálov pre výrobu ZP s využitím in vitro metód založených na 3D rekonštruovaných modeloch ľudského tkaniva. APVV-19-0591 : In vitro hodnotenie bio-kompatibility zdravotníckych pomôcok (ZP) a innovatívnych bio-materiálov pre ZP). Typ: AFK

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - JÍROVÁ, Dagmar - NEUHAUS, W. - KEJLOVÁ, Kristína - DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Markéta - SVOBODOVÁ, Lada - MOULISOVÁ, A. - LIN, G. - PIEŠOVÁ, Michaela - PÔBIŠ, Peter. In Vitro Three-Dimensional Reconstructed Human Tissue Models in the Biocompatibility Assessment of Medical Devices with Intended Use in the Oral Cavity: Launch of the International Project Train-Safemds. In Interdisciplinary toxicology, 2020, vol. 13, suppl. 1, p. 53. (2019: 0.337 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 1337-6853.(TOXCON 2020 : Interdisciplinary Toxicological Conference. APVV-DS-FR-19-0048 : Školiaca sieť zameraná na zvýšenie bezpečnosti zdravotníckych pomôcok - fokus na ústnu dutinu). Typ: AFK 


  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2019). Lessons learnt from validation studies of in vitro methods for topical toxicity testing. In ALTEX Proceedings, 2019, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 97. ISSN 2194-0479.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG (Poster)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena - LISKOVA, A. - SIM, Bushra - BAILEY, Fiona - EDWARDS, Alex - TREASURE, Carol - JÍROVÁ, Dagmar - KEJLOVÁ, Kristína - LETAŠIOVÁ, Silvia (2019). Validation of the in vitro photo-toxicity test using 3D reconstructed human epidermis model – building on 20 years of experience. In ALTEX Proceedings, 2019, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 95. ISSN 2194-0479.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG (Poster)

  • S. Letasiova, T. Milasova, B.Breyfolgle, M.Bachelor and H.Kandarova (2019). Development, pre-validation and validation of the EpiDerm in vitro skin irritation protocol for the medical devices extracts. In ALTEX Proceedings, 2019, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 116. ISSN 2194-0479.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG (Poster)

  • Silvia Letasiova, Helena Kandarova, Els Adriaens, Sandra Verstraelen and An Van Rompay (2019) ALT4EI: Assessment of eye irritating potential of 59 chemicals using EpiOcular™ time-to-toxicity (EpiOcular ET-50) neat and dilution protocols. In ALTEX Proceedings, 2019, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 115. ISSN 2194-0479.(Linz 2019 - EUSAAT 2019). Typ: AFG (Poster)

  • Letasiova S., Kandarova H, Els Adriaens 2, Sandra Verstraelen3,  and An R. Van. (2019) ALT4EI: Evaluation of eye irritating potential of 59 chemicals using EpiOcular™ time-to-toxicity (EpiOcular ET-50) neat and dilution protocols (Abstract ID: 530). Eurotox (Poster)

  • KANĎÁROVÁ, Helena (2019) . In vitro reconstructed human skin equivalents to model the human skin barrier - tools for red biotechnology . ICGEB – CEI – JRC-EC – UCM Workshop TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF MED/PHARMA BIOTECHNOLOGIES IN EUROPE - Towards Strengthening Regional Cooperation Including CEE Countries.  June 3-4, Crowne Plaza, Bratislava.  Abstract In: Book of abstracts, Edited by Daniela Chmelová, Miroslav Ondrejovič,  p.69.  Typ: AFG (Poster)

  • Woelk, S; Fabian, E ; Marxfeld, H ; Markus, J ; Kandarova, H ; van Ravenzwaay, B ; Landsiedel, R (2019). Evaluation of EpiIntestinal (TM)-model for absorption studies in vitro in an automated flow-through technical set up. 21st Annual Meeting of the German-Society-for-Experimental-and-Clinical-Pharmacology-and-Toxicology (DGPT) / 21st Annual Meeting of the Association-of-the-Clinical-Pharmacology-Germany (VKliPha). Stuttgart, GERMANY, FEB 25-28, 2019.  NAUNYN-Abstract in: SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY. Volume: 392 Pages: S66-S66 Supplement: 1 Meeting Abstract: P162 FEB 2019 (Poster)


  • H Kandarova, A Liskova, T Milasova, S Letasiova (2018). Inter-and intra-laboratory reproducibility of the in vitro photo-toxicity test using 3D reconstructed human epidermis model. Abstract In: Toxicology Letters 295, S130

  • Anna Maione, George R. Jackson Jr, Olivia O’Connel, Jaclyn Webster, Mitchell Klausner, Silvia Letasiova, Helena Kandarova and Patrick Hayden (2018) Organotypic in vitro human airway models can recapitulate aspects of pulmonary fibrosis. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p.117.

  • Silvia Letasiova, Emanuela Corsini, Valentina Galbiati and Helena Kandarova (2018). Assessment of contact sensitization potential of 20 chemicals using in vitro reconstructed normal human epidermal model EpiDerm: Impact of the modality of application. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p. 249

  • Jan Markus, Joachim Wiest, Christian Schmidt and Helena Kandarova(2018). EpiIntestinal on a Chip: Label-free microphysiometry of intestinal epithelium. ALTEX Proceedings. Volume 7, No. 2 ISSN 2194-0479, p 262

  • A. Maione, G. R. Jackson, O. O‘Connell, J. Webster, M. Klausner, S. Letašiová H. Kandarova, P. Hayden (2018). Organotypic in vitro human airway models can recapitulate aspects of pulmonary fibrosis.  20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress.

  • J. Markus, H. Kandarova, T. Landry, S. Ayehunie (2018). Reconstructed 3D model of human small intestine epithelium for prediction of gastrointestinal toxicity and drug absorption. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress

  • A. Maione, G. R. Jackson, J. Vinall, H. Simpson, E. Storey, M. Debatis, M. Klausner H. Kandarova, C. Roper, P. Hayden (2018). Evaluation of in vitro models of the rat and human airway epithelium for assessment of acute airway toxicity. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress

  • J. Markus, H. Kandarova, T. Landry, S. Ayehunie (2018). Reconstructed 3D model of human small intestine epithelium for prediction of gastrointestinal toxicity and drug absorption. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress

  • S. Letašiová, E. Corsini, V. Galbiati, H. Kandarova (2018). Determination of contact sensitisation potential of 20 chemicals using in vitro reconstructed normal human epidermal model EpiDerm – the impact of the modality of application. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress

  • J. Wiest, C. Schmidt, J. Markus, H. Kandarova (2018). EpiIntestinal on a BioChip. 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology (ESTIV2018), 15–18 October 2018, Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany. Abstract in: Proceedings from ESTIV 2018 the congress

  • Silvia Letasiova and Helena Kandarova (2018). Development and validation of the EpiDerm in vitro skin irritation protocol for the evaluation of the medical devices extracts.  4th Advance Course Genoa Italy, November 29-30, 2018. Lecture and practical demonstration. Abstract in: Proceedings from the 4th Advance Course_Genoa Italy. 


2017- 2010 (in progress - stay tuned, a lot of material to process ...;-))


  • Hayden, P. J., Kandárová, H., Armento, A., Kubilus, J., Klausner, M. (2009). Development of an EpiDerm™ In Vitro Skin Irritation Test (SIT) for the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (2009). SOT – 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore Convention Center, Maryland, March 15–19, 2009. Abstract In: The Toxicologist CD — An official Journal of the Society of Toxicology. Volume 108, Number 1, March 2009, Abstract ID:1825, p.379. ISSN 1096-6080

  • Liebsch M., Gamer A.,  Curren R., Frank J., Genschow E., Tharmann J., Remmele M.,  Bauer B., Raabe H., Barnes N., Hilberer A., Wilt N., Lornejad-Schäfer MR, Schäfer C.,  HaydencP., Kandárová, H. (2009). Follow-Up Validation of the EpiDerm™ Skin Irritation Test. SOT – 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore Convention Center, Maryland, March 15–19, 2009. Abstract In: The Toxicologist CD — An official Journal of the Society of Toxicology. Volume 108, Number 1, March 2009, Abstract ID: 1826, p.379. ISSN 1096-6080

  • Hayden, P. J., Kubilus, J., Ayehunie, S., Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., Kearney,P., Klausner, M. and J. Sheasgreen (2009). Commercial Production of In Vitro Human Epithelial Models at MatTek Corporation: A Survey of Available Models and Applications. 2009 In Vitro Biology Meeting, Charleston, June 6-10, South Carolina. Abstract In: In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.—Animal (2009), 45 (Suppl 1), Abstract ID: A-13, p.S41–S57. DOI 10.1007/s11626-009-9202-9

  • Kandárová, H., Hayden, P.J., Klausner, M. (2009).ECVAM Validation of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test.  2009 In Vitro Biology Meeting, Charleston, June 6-10, South Carolina. Abstract In: In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.—Animal (2009) 45 (Suppl 1), Abstract ID: A-2031, p. S41–S57.DOI 10.1007/s11626-009-9202-9 

  • Klausner, M., Kubilus, J., Ayehunie, S., Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., Kearney, P.,  Hayden, P.J., and Sheasgreen J. (2009). Regulatory Requirements for In Vitro Systems to Meet Performance Standards During Validation and Over Time. 2009 In Vitro Biology Meeting, Charleston, June 6-10, South Carolina. Abstract In: In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.—Animal (2009) 45 (Suppl 1), Abstract ID: A-2033, p. S41–S57.DOI 10.1007/s11626-009-9202-9 

  • Kandarova, H., Hayden, P., Armento, A., Kubilus, J.,  Klausner, M., Sheasgreen, J.   (2009) Development, Optimization and Validation of EpiDerm In Vitro Skin Irritation Tests for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals according to EU and GHS rules.  TOXCON 2009 - 14th Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, June 1-3, 2009,Abstract in: Interdisciplinary Toxicology, Abstracts of TOXCON 2009: Volume 2, Nr., 2 p.111, ISSN 1337-6853

  • Letasiova, S.,  Kaluzhny, Y.,  Kandárova, H.,  Klausner, M., Jackson, R., Thornton, L.,  Kubilus, J., Klausner, M. (2009) EpiOcular tissue model protocols for in vitro ocular irritation testing of chemicals and cosmetics compounds. TOXCON 2009 - 14th Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, June 1-3, 2009, Abstract in: Interdisciplinary Toxicology, Abstracts of TOXCON 2009: Volume 2, Nr.2  p.90., ISSN 1337-6853

  • Liebsch M., Gamer A.,  Curren R., Frank J., Genschow E., Tharmann J., Remmele M.,  Bauer B., Raabe H., Barnes N., Hilberer A., Wilt N., Lornejad-Schäfer MR, Schäfer C.,  HaydencP., Kandárová, H. (2009). Validation of an In Vitro Skin Irritation Test Protocol (EpiDerm-SIT) to Replace the in vivo Rabbit Test for Hazard Identification of Chemicals. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X Abstract ID: 180, p.140

  • Kandárová, H., Hayden, P., Armento, A., Kubilus, J., Klausner, M. (2009). Development of an EpiDerm in Vitro Skin Irritation Test (SIT) for the Globally Harmonised System (GHS). Of Classification and labeling of Chemicals. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, Abstract ID: 468, p. 302.

  • Letasiova, S., Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., Klausner, M., Jackson, G., Kubilus J. (2009). EpiOcular Tissue Model Protocols for  1) REACH ocular Irritation screenng and 2) ultra-mild eye care Cosmetics. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, Abstract ID: 471 ,p. 302.

  • Letasiova, S., Hayden, P., Kandárová, H., Stolper, G., Cooney, C., Li, M., Klausner M. (2009). The EpiDerm-FT Full Thickness in Vitro Human Skin Model: an Animal Altenative Wound Healing Model. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, Abstract ID: 509, p.30

  • Klausner, M., Ayehunie, S., Kandarova, H., Hayden P., Letasiova, S. (2009) Use of the reconstructed EpiVaginal tissue model to screen irritation potential of feminine hygiene products. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, Abstract ID: 477, p.304

  • Klausner,M., Ayehunie, S., Child, M., Hayden, P., Kandarova H., and Letasiova, S. (2009). A plasmacytoid dendritic cell-based assay to screen the allergenicity potential of chemicals. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, Abstract ID: 486, p.352.

  • Klausner, M., Hayden, P., Kandárová, H., Letasiova, S., Sheasgreen, J. (2009). Regulatory requirements for in vitro systems to meet performance standards during validation and over time. The 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rome, Italy.August 30- September 3, 2009. Abstract in: Altex 26, Special Issue, 2009, ISSN 1868-596X, Abstract ID: 460, p.128.

  • Letasiova, S., Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., Klausner, M., Jackson, G., Kubilus J., (2009). EpiOcular tissue model protocols for (1) REACH ocular irritation screening and (2) ultra-mild eye care cosmetics. EUROTOX 2009 - 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, September,16-13, 2009, MARITIM Hotel & International Congress Center, Dresden, Germany. Abstract in: Toxicology Letters. Abstracts of the 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology. Volume 189, Supplement 1, 13 September 2009, p.S85.

  • Klausner, M., Kubilus, J., Ayehunie, S., Kaluzhny, Y., Kandárová, H., Kearney, P.,  Hayden, P., Sheasgreen, J. (2009). Regulatory requirements for in vitro systems to meet performance standards during validation and over time. EUROTOX 2009 - 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, September,16-13, 2009, MARITIM Hotel & International Congress Center, Dresden, Germany. Abstract in: Toxicology Letters. Abstracts of the 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology. Volume 189, Supplement 1, 13 September 2009, p S272-S273





  • Hayden P., Kanďárová H., Bolmarcich J., Jackson G., Cohen H., Stolper G.,  Klausner M.. Drug metabolizing enzyme activity in human in vitro dermal (EpiDerm™) and airway (EpiAirway™) epithelial models (2008). Ist International Conference on Dermatotoxicology, Bilderberg Kasteel, Vaalsbroek, the Netherlands, October 22nd - 25th, 2008. Abstract in: Proceedings from the Ist International Conference on Dermatotoxicology, 72p.

  • Kanďárová H., Klausner M., Hayden P., Kaluzhny Y., Kubilus J., Ayehunie S., Kearney P., Sheasgreen J (2008). In Vitro Topical Toxicity Testing in Line with Requirements of EU and US Regulators: Reconstructed Human Tissue Models. ESTIV 2008, 15th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology, September 25-28, Stockholm, Sweeden. Abstract in:

  • Kanďárová  H., Hayden P., Stolper G., Cooney C., Klausner M. (2008). Healing of dermal burn wounds in the EpiDerm-FT™ in vitro human skin model. ESTIV 2008, 15th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology, September 25-28, Stockholm, Sweeden. Abstract in:

  • Hayden P., Bolmarcich J., Jackson G., Stolper G., Kanďárová  H., Klausner M. (2008). Drug metabolizing enzyme activity in human in vitro dermal (EpiDerm) and airway (EpiAirway) epithelial models (2008). 15th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, Septemner 19-21.Linz, Austria. Abstract in: ALTTEX, Volume 25, Supl 1 Linz/2008, ISSN 0946-7785 1-100 (2008), p.26.

  • Hayden P., Kanďárová  H., Stolper G., Cooney C., Klausner M. (2008). Healing of dermal wounds in the EpiDerm-FT™ in vitro human skin model. 15th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, Septemner 19-21.Linz,   Austria. Abstract in: ALTTEX, Volume 25, Supl 1 Linz/2008, ISSN 0946-7785 1-100 (2008), p.27. 

  • Klausner M., Kubilus J., Hayden P., Kaluzhny Y., Ayehunie S., Kearney P., Kanďárová  H., Sheasgreen J.  (2008). Reconstructed Human Tissue Models and Their Possition in Strategy of Registration, Evaluation and Authorisaation of Chemicals (REACH). TOXCON 2008, 13th Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference, Trenčianske Teplice, May 27-30, 2008  Abstract In: Interdisciplinary Toxicology, Volume1, No.1, 2008. p.78

  • Hayden P., Bolmarcich J., Jackson G., Stolper G., Kanďárová  H., Klausner M. (2008). Drug metabolizing enzyme activity in human in vitro dermal (EpiDerm) and airway (EpiAirway) epithelial models. Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 45th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology. ISSN: 0378-4274, Vol: 180, Issue 1, Pages: S105-S105. Eurotox 2008, Rhodes, Greece.

  • Hayden P., Stolper G., Cooney C., Kanďárová  H., Klausner M. (2008). Healing of dermal burn wounds in the EpiDerm-FT™ in vitro human skin model. Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 45th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, ISSN: 0378-4274, Vol: 180, Issue 1: Pages: S105-S105. Eurotox 2008, Rhodes, Greece.

  • Hayden P., Bolmarcich J., Jackson G., Stolper G., Kanďárová  H., Klausner M. (2008). Drug metabolizing enzyme activity in human in vitro dermal (EpiDerm) and airway (EpiAirway) epithelial models. Abstract In: Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 45th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology. ISSN: 0378-4274, Vol: 180, Issue 1: Pages: S96-S96. Eurotox 2008, Rhodes, Greece.

  • Kaluzhny Y., d’Argembeau-Thornton L., Kanďárová  H., Hayden P., Klausner M. (2008) Expanded utilization of the EpiOcular™ human corneal tissue model for ocular irritation testing. Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 45th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology. ISSN: 0378-4274, Vol: 180, Issue 1: Pages: S107-107. Eurotox 2008, Rhodes, Greece.

  • Liebsch M., Gamer A.,  Curren R., Frank J., Genschow E., Tharmann J., Remmele M.,  Bauer B., Raabe H., Barnes N., Hilberer A., Wilt N., Lornejad-Schäfer MR, Schäfer C.,  HaydencP., Kanďárová  H. (2008). Follow-up validation of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test (SIT): Results of a multi-centre study of twenty reference test substances. Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 45th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, ISSN: 0378-4274, Vol: 180, Issue 1: Pages: S107-107. Eurotox 2008, Rhodes, Greece.

  • Jirova D., Basketter D., Bendová H., Marriott M., Kejlová K., Kanďárová  H., Liebsch M. (2008). Comparison of results of the 4h human skin irritation patch test and in vitro human skin irritation test (EpiDerm SIT) with existing classifications of chemicals. Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 45th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, ISSN: 0378-4274, Vol: 180, Issue 1: Pages: S108-108. Eurotox 2008, Rhodes, Greece.

  • Bendová H., Basketter D., Kanďárová H., Jírová D., Marriott M., Kejlová K., Spiller E. and Manfred Liebsch (2008). Predicting skin irritation: in vivo rabbit test vs 4h human patch test and in vitro human skin model test. Abstract In: SOT 2008, Seattle. Poster 333, The Toxicologist. p.68

  • Klausner, M., d’Argembeau-Thornton, L., Kanďárová H., Hayden P. and Kaluzhny Y. (2008). Expanded utilization of the EpiOcular™ human corneal tissue model for ocular irritation testing. Abstract In: SOT 2008, Seattle. Poster 326, The Toxicologist. p.66

  • Klausner, M., Hayden, P.,  Kaluzhny, Y.,  Kanďárová, H., Kubilus J. and Sheasgreen, J. (2008). Performance standards for the use of in vitro tissues in a regulated environment. Abstract In: SOT 2008, Seattle. Poster 334, The Toxicologist. p.66


  • Kaluzhny Y., Hayden P., Kanďárová H., Thornton L., Klausner M.  (2007). Expanded utilization of the EpiOcular™ human corenal tissue model for ocular irritation tests. The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172S, Supplement 1, 7 October 2007, Page 81.

  • Kanďárová H., Raabe H., Chua G., Klausner M., Kubilus J., Hayden P., Ayehunie S., Kaluzhny Y., Curren R. and Sheasgreen J. (2007): In Vitro Skin Corrosion Test: Evidence of Long Term Reproducibility and Reliability for a Regulatory Accepted Method. The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172, Supplement 1, 7-10 October 2007, Page 82. 

  • Kanďárová H., Hayden P., Spiller E., Klausner M., Kubilus J. and Sheasgreen J. (2007): In Vitro Skin Irritation Test: Increasing the Sensitivity of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Protocol Evaluated in the ECVAM Skin Irritation Validation study. The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007. (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172, Supplement 1, 7 October 2007, Page 81.

  • Kanďárová H., Kejlová K., Jírová D., Bendová H., Tharmann J., Traue D., Spielmann H. and Liebsch M (2007):ECVAM Feasibility Study: Can the prevalidated in vitro Skin Model Phototoxicity Assay be upgraded to quantify Phototoxic Potency of topical Phototoxins? Eurotox 2007, The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007(Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172, Supplement 1, 7 October 2007, Pages 81-82.

  • Ayehunie S., Cannon C., Gimondo J., Hayden P., Kanďárová H., Klausner M. (2007). Human vaginal-ectocervical tissue model for testing the irritation potential of vaginal-care products. Eurotox 2007, The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007(Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172, Supplement 1, 7 October 2007, Pages 73-74

  • Ayehunie S., Snell M., Hayden P., Kanďárová H., Klausner M. (2007). A plasmacytoid dendritic cell-based assay system to predict allergenicity potential of chemicals. Eurotox 2007, The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172, Supplement 1, 7 October 2007, Page 74

  • Hayden P., Kubilus J., Kanďárová H., Klausner M., Jackson G., Bolmarcich J. (2007). An in vitro model of human airway epithelium (EpiAirway) for in vitro metabolism and toxicity screening. Eurotox 2007, The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172, Supplement 1, 7 October 2007, Page 79 

  • Klausner M., Kubilus J., Ayehunie S., Hayden P., Kanďárová H., Sheasgreen J. (2007). In vitro models to reduce animal testing for REACH registration of chemicals. Eurotox 2007, The 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Amsterdam, 7-10 October, 2007 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In: Toxicology Letters, Abstracts of the 44th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Volume 172, Supplement 1, 7 October 2007, Pages 83-84

  • Ayehunie S., Snell M., Kanďárová H., Klausner M. (2007): Allergenicity testing using plasmacytoid dendritic cells. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Poster, Abstract)  Abstract In: ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 184.

  • Seyoum Ayehunie, Chris Cannon, Jeff Gimondo, Mitchell Klausner, Kanďárová H. (2007). Irritation screening of vaginal-care products using EpiVaginal, a human vaginal-ectocervical tissue model. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Poster, Abstract)  Abstract In: ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 184.

  • Hayden P., Jackson R., Kanďárová H., Klausner M. (2007). The use of a human in vitro airway epithelium tissue model (EpiAirway) for metabolism, toxicity screening and drug delivery applications. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Poster, Abstract) Abstract In: ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 198.

  • Kaluzhny Y., Kanďárová H., Thornton L., Hayden P., Klausner M.(2007).  Expanded applicability domain for assessing ocular irritation using EpiOcular human cornel tissue model. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Poster, Abstract) Abstract In: : ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 203.

  • Kanďárová H., Klausner M., Kubilus J., Kearney P., Hayden P., Kaluzhny Y, Sheasgreen J. (2007). Long term reproducibility of in vitro reconstructed skin models for regulatory testing purposes – Evidence of good tissue culture practice. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Poster, Abstract)  Abstract In: : ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 205.

  • Kaluzhny Y., Hayden P., Karetsky V., Kanďárová H., Klausner M. (2007). Genotoxicity Screening Using the EpiDerm Human 3D ModelTM Skin Specific Micronucleus Assay. Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Poster, Abstract)  Abstract In: : ALTEX 3 (24)/2007 ISSN 0946-7785, p. 203.

  • Bendová H., Basketter D., Kanďárová H., Marriott M., Kejlová K., Jírová D., Spiller E., Liebsch M. (2007) Comparison of human patch test and 3D human skin model results with classification of chemicals based on rabbit Draize test. 14th Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing - Linz 2007 & 11th Annual Meeting of MEGAT - Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing. September 28th-30th 2007, University of Linz, Austria. (Presentation):Abstract In:  ALTEX - to be published in next issue. 

  • Kanďárová H., Hayden P., Spiller E., Klausner M., Kubilus J. and Sheasgreen J. (2007): In Vitro Skin Irritation Test: Increasing the Sensitivity of the EpiDerm Skin Irritation Protocol Evaluated in the ECVAM Skin Irritation Validation study. 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. August 21-25., 2007, Tokyo, Japan. (Poster, Abstract)  Abstract In: Proceedings from the 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. p.

  • Chua G., Kanďárová H., Raabe H., Klausner M., Kubilus J., Hayden P., Ayehunie S.,  Kaluzhny Y., Curren R., Sheasgreen J. (2007). In Vitro Skin Corrosion Test: Evidence of Long Term Reproducibility and Reliability for a Regulatory Accepted Method. 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. August 21-25., 2007, Tokyo, Japan. (Poster, Abstract).  Abstract In: Proceedings from the 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. p.

  • Kaluzhny Y., Curren R., Aardema M., Klausner M., Karetsky V.,  Hayden P., Kanďárová H., Sheasgreen J.(2007) Skin Specific Micronucleus Assay in the EpiDermTM Human 3D Skin Model. 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. August 21-25., 2007, Tokyo, Japan. (Poster, Abstract)  Abstract In: Proceedings from the 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences. p.

  • Jírová D., Basketter D , Bendová H, Marriott M., Kejlová K., Kanďárová H., Spiller E and Liebsch H (2007). Human  Skin Irritation Study supports results of 3D human skin model in vitro. Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Skin to Chemicals. 17-20 June 2007. Golden, Colorado, USA. (Poster, Abstract) 




  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M, Spielmann H.: Development and evaluation of a robust, common protocols for reconstructed human skin models: In vitro skin irritation/corrosion testing (2006): Linz, June 2-4.(Poster, Abstract)  Abstract In: ALTEX 

  • Jírová D, Kejlová K., Bendová H., Kanďárová  H., Weidenhoffer Z. and Liebsch M. (2006). Phototoxicity of bergamot oils assessed by in vitro techniques in combination with human patch tests. INVITTOX 2006, October 2-4, Ostend, Belgium. P. Abstract In.: Proceedings from INVITTOX 2006, October 2-4, Ostend, Belgium.

  • Jírová D., Kejlová K., Bendová H., Weidenhoffer Z., Kanďárová  H., Liebsch M. (2006). Phototoxicity of bergamot oils assessed by in vitro techniques in combination with human patch tests. International Conference of Cosmetology, Bratislava. Abstract In.: International Conference of Cosmetology – Proceedings, Bratislava, STU Vyd. 2006, s. 121. ISBN: 80-227-2487-4

  • Kanďárová H., Kejlová K., Jírová D., Bendová H., Tharmann J., Traue D., Spielmann H. and Liebsch M (2006): ECVAM Feasibility Study: Can the prevalidated in vitro Skin Model Phototoxicity Assay be upgraded to quantify Phototoxic Potency of topical Phototoxins ?. DGPT-Mainz, 4th April 2006 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In.: Naunyn - Schmiedeberg's Archvies of Pharmacology 372, 2006, č. Suppl. 1, p. 131. ISSN: 0028-1298

  • Trauer S., Kanďárová H., Schmidt E., Traue D, Schaefer U , Lehr C.-M. , Liebsch M (2006): In Vitro Skin Absorption of Buthyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane determined in human epidermis and in a reconstructed human epidermin model. DGPT-Mainz, 4th April 2006  (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In.: Naunyn - Schmiedeberg's Archvies of Pharmacology 372, 2006, č. Suppl. 1, p. 130. ISSN: 0028-1298





  • Jírová D., Kejlová K., Bendová H, Kanďárová H., Weidenhoffer and Liebsch M (2005):  Bergamot oil intended for topical use  -  attempts at a risk assessment of phototoxicity. The 15 th International Symposium on Contact Dernmatitis (ISCD) in conjunction with 5th International Symposium  on Irritant Contact Dermatitis (ISICD). Paphos, Cyprus, November 6-9, 2005  (Poster, Abstract). Abstract In.: Exogenous Dermatology. Vol. 3, No. 4.,2004, p. 193

  • Jírová D., Kejlová K., Bendová H, Kanďárová H., Weidenhoffer and Liebsch M (2005):  Bergamot oil intended for topical use. Internation Cosmetological conference, Brno October, 19.—21. Abstract in: Sborník Mezinárodní kosmetologické konference  Brno, Kosmetol. spol. ČR 2005, page 54., ISBN: 80-239-5722-8

  • Kanďárová H.,, Liebsch M., Spielmann H., Genschow E., Schmidt E., Traue D., Guest R.,  Whittingham A., Warren N, Gamer A.O., Remmele M., Wittmer E., Kaufmann T, Rosdy M,  De Wever B. (2005): Skin Corrosion In Vitro: Assessment of the SkinEthic™ Reconstituted Human EpiDermal (RHE) model for in vitro skin corrosion testing according to OECD TG 431.5th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life sciences. Session 5.12: Workshop - Strategies for Prioritising and Streamlining the Validation Process August 21–25, 2005 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract in : ALTEX 22, Special Issue 2005, page 157, ISSN: 0946-7785

  • Kanďárová H., Kejlová K., Jírová D., Tharmann J. and Liebsch M (2005) :ECVAM Feasibility Study: Can the prevalidated in vitro Skin Model Phototoxicity Assay be upgraded to quantify Phototoxic Potency of topical Phototoxins ?. 5th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life sciences. Session 5.3: Progress And Needs for Developing and Validating Alternatives for Dermal Toxicity Testing. Berlin, August 21–25, 2005 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract in : ALTEX 22, Special Issue 2005, page 156, ISSN: 0946-7785

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Spielmann H., Schmidt E., Traue D., Meyer K., Steinhoff C.,  Tornier C., Rosdy M., De Wever B. (2005)  Assessment of the SkinEthic Reconstituted Human Epidermal model for the prediction of the dermal irritation potential of chemicals. 5th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life sciences. Session 5.3: Progress And Needs for Developing and Validating Alternatives for Dermal Toxicity Testing. Berlin, August 21–25, 2005 (Poster, Abstract). Abstract in : ALTEX 22, Special Issue 2005, page 157, ISSN: 0946-7785 

  • Jírová D., Kejlová K., Bendová H, Kanďárová H., Weidenhoffer and Liebsch M (2005): Bergamot oil intended for topical use  -  attempts at a risk assessment of phototoxicity. 5th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life sciences. Session 5.3: Progress And Needs for Developing and Validating Alternatives for Dermal Toxicity Testing. Berlin, August 21–25, 2005  (Poster, Abstract). Abstract in : ALTEX 22, Special Issue 2005, page 257 , ISSN: 0946-7785.

  • Steinhoff C., Kanďárová H., Steger-Hartmann T., Schweinfurth H., Liebsch M. and Meyer K.(2005): Occupational safety assessment of skin corrosion/irritation using human reconstituted epidermis models. 5th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life sciences. Session 5.3: Progress And Needs for Developing and Validating Alternatives for Dermal Toxicity Testing. Berlin, August 21–25, 2005  (Poster, Abstract). Abstract in : ALTEX 22, Special Issue 2005, page 167, ISSN: 0946-7785 




  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch  M., Spielmann H., Guest R.,  Whittingham A.,  Warren N., Gamer A.O., Kaufmann T., Remmele M., De Wever B. (2004): In vitro skin corrosion testing: Validation of the SkinEthic Reconstructed Human Epidermis for the assessment of skin coorosion potential of chemicals. GD (Gesellschaft für Dermopharmazie) Symposium, 25. November 2004 Berlin    

  • Kanďárová H., Liebsch M., Spielmann H., Genschow E., Schmidt E., Guest R., Whittingham A., Warren N., Gamer A., Remmele M., Kaufmann T., Wittmer E,. De Wever B. (2004): Assessment of the human epidermis model SkinEthic RHE™ for in vitro skin corrosion testing according to OECD TG 431. 12. Kongreß über Alternativen zu Tierversuchen & 9. Jahrestagung der MEGAT 16.-17. October 2004, Universität Linz, Österreich.  Abstract in: ALTEX 2004, p. 

  • Liebsch  M., Kanďárová H., Spielmann H., Guest R.,  Whittingham A.,  Warren N., Gamer A.O., Kaufmann T., Remmele M., De Wever B. (2004): Validation of the Human Epidermis Model SkinEthic for the Skin Corrosion Testing According to New OECD Test Guideline 431. 43rd Annual  SOT meeting, March 21-25, 2004, Baltimore USA. Abstract in: The toxicologist:

  • Jirova, D., Kejlova, K., Bendova, H., Kandarova, H., Weidenhoffer, Z. and Liebsch, M., 2004. BERGAMOT OIL INTENDED FOR TOPICAL USE-ATTEMPTS AT A RISK ASSESSMENT OF PHOTOTOXICITY. EXOGENOUS DERMATOLOGY, 3(4), pp.193-193.





  • Liebsch M., Kanďárová H., Slawik B., Jirova D., Kejlová K., Spielmann H. (2003): ECVAM Machbarkeitsstudie: Kann der prävalidierte in vitro Hautmodell Phototoxizitätstest zum Test für die Wirkungsstärke (Potenz) topischer Phototoxine ausgebaut werden? 11. Kongreß über Alternativen zu Tierversuchen & 8. Jahrestagung der MEGAT 19.-21. September 2003, Universität Linz, Österreich.  In: ALTEX -3/2003, p.186. Abstract in: ALTEX - 3/2003, p.179


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