Expert panel on topical toxicity (skin and eye irritation, skin and eye corrosion) - comments and revisions of the OECD TG 431, 439, 435 and other related documents.
Expert pannel on phototoxicity - comments and revision of the OECD TG 432 and other related documents.
PARERE (as nominated national expert)
PARERE is a network of national regulators that provides EURL ECVAM with upstream input and preliminary views on potential regulatory relevance of methods or approaches submitted to EURL ECVAM for validation and/or peer review. PARERE typically meets once a year. Find out more here:
EPAA MIRROR GROUP (as independent scientist)
The mirror group (MG) consists of representatives of civil society and includes academia, animal welfare, consumers and patient groups. It acts as a consultation forum in an advisory capacity to the steering committee for the implementation of the action programme, the EPAA projects and adds a broader societal perspective to EPAA’s work. The EPAA MG meets with the SC quarterly.
ESTAF (as ESTIV president)
The EURL ECVAM Stakeholder Forum (ESTAF) is our instrument for ensuring close dialogue is maintained with our non-governmental stakeholders. This includes parties from industry, academia and civil society organisations.
National Committee on Alternative Methods in the Slovak Republic.
Technical committee T102
National Technical Committee with expertise on Medical Devices and ISO standards