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ESET Science Award 2023

What do I say in the video: One of the advantages of the use of alternative methods is their reproducibility. We are able to obtain the results faster than in animal experiments and in many cases, the outcomes of such tests are more relevant to what is going on in the man. In Slovakia, I was able to build up the European headquarters of an international company, that is producing one of the best reconstructed human tissue models and worked on methods that replaced some animal testing. The key factor of success is perseverance - it takes many times 10-15 years, till the method reaches acceptance and is used in practice. I would very much like there to be successors for what I am doing in Slovakia after me.

Nočná Pyramída - VEDA SK

with Stano Ščepán

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Ocenená za prínost v oblasti toxikológie
3.10.2022 Teleráno, TV Markíza 

with Roman Juraško

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TA3 - Na zvieratách v Európskej únii sa ešte stále testuje.
Je to nevyhnutné? 
30.11.2021 Studio TA3 

with Barbora Šišoláková, Silvia Čaňová

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Podcast - Veda na Dosah - Ake sú moderné možnosti testovania bezpečnosti bez laboratórnych zvierat

TA3 - Dobré správy - Testovaniu na zvieratách vieme predísť, tvrdí uznávaná vedkyňa 


RTVS - Zaostrené - Naši Svetovi / Hlavné správy 


Podcast - Denník N - Umelo vypestovaná koža nahradí milióny zvierat. Slovenka vyvíja testy, pri ktorých sa netrpí
18. júna 2020 


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with Gregor Mareš.

STV - Interview for Slovak TV 
VAT: Tissue engineering and 3Rs (2018)

EUROTOX 2017 in Bratislava

EUROTOX Congress 2017 -

recording of the opening ceremony (by Dr. Zsolt Forgacz)

EUSAAT COngress 2017 -

Interview with Adrian Pflug und Emilie Langlande

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2013: TV JOJ - News at 5 pm.

Short Interview on cosmetic testing without animals

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2009: JOVE Video-protocol Skin Irritation Testing

2005: World Congress 5 in Berlin - work of the ZEBET at the BfR 

An insight into the work of the German Center for Evaluation and Validation of Alternative Methods - ZEBET at the BfR in Berlin 

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